class-onpage.php 5.67 KB
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 * @package WPSEO\Admin

 * Handle the request for getting the onpage status
class WPSEO_OnPage {

	 * The name of the user meta key for storing the dismissed status.
	const USER_META_KEY = 'wpseo_dismiss_onpage';

	 * @var WPSEO_OnPage_Option The option class.
	private $onpage_option;

	 * @var boolean Is the request started by pressing the fetch button.
	private $is_manual_request = false;

	 * Constructing the object
	public function __construct() {
		// We never want to fetch on AJAX request because doing a remote request is really slow.
		if ( ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX === true ) ) {
			$this->onpage_option = new WPSEO_OnPage_Option();

			if ( $this->onpage_option->is_enabled() ) {

	 * The hooks to run on plugin activation
	public function activate_hooks() {

	 * Adding a weekly schedule to the schedules array
	 * @param array $schedules Array with schedules.
	 * @return array
	public function add_weekly_schedule( array $schedules ) {
		$schedules['weekly'] = array( 'interval' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS, 'display' => __( 'Once Weekly', 'wordpress-seo' ) );

		return $schedules;

	 * Fetching the data from onpage.
	 * @return bool
	public function fetch_from_onpage() {
		if ( $this->onpage_option->should_be_fetched() && false !== ( $new_status = $this->request_indexability() ) ) {

			// Updates the timestamp in the option.
			$this->onpage_option->set_last_fetch( time() );

			// The currently indexability status.
			$old_status = $this->onpage_option->get_status();

			// Saving the new status.
			$this->onpage_option->set_status( $new_status );

			// Saving the option.

			// Check if the status has been changed.
			if ( $old_status !== $new_status && $new_status !== WPSEO_OnPage_Option::CANNOT_FETCH ) {

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Show a notice when the website is not indexable
	public function show_notice() {

		$notification        = $this->get_indexability_notification();
		$notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get();

		if ( $this->should_show_notice() ) {
			$notification_center->add_notification( $notification );
		else {
			$notification_center->remove_notification( $notification );

	 * Builds the indexability notification
	 * @return Yoast_Notification
	private function get_indexability_notification() {
		$notice = sprintf(
			/* translators: 1: opens a link to a related knowledge base article. 2: closes the link */
			__( '%1$sYour homepage cannot be indexed by search engines%2$s. This is very bad for SEO and should be fixed.', 'wordpress-seo' ),
			'<a href="' . WPSEO_Shortlinker::get( '' ) . '" target="_blank">',

		return new Yoast_Notification(
				'type'  => Yoast_Notification::ERROR,
				'id'    => 'wpseo-dismiss-onpageorg',
				'capabilities' => 'manage_options',

	 * Send a request to to get the indexability
	 * @return int(0)|int(1)|false
	protected function request_indexability() {
		$parameters = array();
		if ( $this->wordfence_protection_enabled() ) {
			$parameters['wf_strict'] = 1;

		$request  = new WPSEO_OnPage_Request();
		$response = $request->do_request( get_option( 'home' ), $parameters );

		if ( isset( $response['is_indexable'] ) ) {
			return (int) $response['is_indexable'];

		return WPSEO_OnPage_Option::CANNOT_FETCH;

	 * Should the notice being given?
	 * @return bool
	protected function should_show_notice() {
		// If development mode is on or the blog is not public, just don't show this notice.
		if ( WPSEO_Utils::is_development_mode() || ( '0' === get_option( 'blog_public' ) ) ) {
			return false;

		return $this->onpage_option->get_status() === WPSEO_OnPage_Option::IS_NOT_INDEXABLE;

	 * Notify the admins
	protected function notify_admins() {
		 * Let's start showing the notices to all admins by removing the hide-notice meta data for each admin resulting
		 * in popping up the notice again.
		delete_metadata( 'user', 0, WPSEO_OnPage::USER_META_KEY, '', true );

	 * Setting up the hooks.
	private function set_hooks() {
		// Schedule cronjob when it doesn't exists on activation.
		register_activation_hook( WPSEO_FILE, array( $this, 'activate_hooks' ) );

		// Add weekly schedule to the cron job schedules.
		add_filter( 'cron_schedules', array( $this, 'add_weekly_schedule' ) );

		// Adding admin notice if necessary.
		add_filter( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'show_notice' ) );

		// Setting the action for the OnPage fetch.
		add_action( 'wpseo_onpage_fetch', array( $this, 'fetch_from_onpage' ) );

	 * Setting the cronjob to get the new indexibility status.
	private function set_cron() {
		if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'wpseo_onpage_fetch' ) ) {
			wp_schedule_event( time(), 'weekly', 'wpseo_onpage_fetch' );

	 * Redo the fetch request for onpage
	private function catch_redo_listener() {
		if ( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'wpseo-redo-onpage' ) === '1' ) {
			$this->is_manual_request = true;

			add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'fetch_from_onpage' ) );

	 * Checks if WordFence protects the site against 'fake' Google crawlers.
	 * @return boolean
	private function wordfence_protection_enabled() {
		if ( ! class_exists( 'wfConfig' ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( ! method_exists( 'wfConfig', 'get' ) ) {
			return false;

		return (bool) wfConfig::get( 'blockFakeBots' );