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	if (!function_exists('pmxi_if')){		
		function pmxi_if($left_condition, $operand = '', $right_condition = '', $then, $else = ''){			
			$str = trim(implode(' ', array($left_condition, html_entity_decode($operand), $right_condition)));												
			return (eval ("return ($str);")) ? $then : $else;

	if (!function_exists('is_empty')){	
		function is_empty($var)
		 	return empty($var);

	if (!function_exists('pmxi_human_filesize')){
		function pmxi_human_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2) {
		 	$sz = 'BKMGTP';
		  	$factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3);
		  	return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$sz[$factor];

	if ( ! function_exists('pmxi_get_remote_image_ext')){

		function pmxi_get_remote_image_ext($filePath){
			$response = wp_remote_get($filePath);
			$headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $response );			
			$content_type = (!empty($headers['content-type'])) ? explode('/', $headers['content-type']) : false;					
			if (!empty($content_type[1])){				
				if (preg_match('%jpeg%i', $content_type[1])) return 'jpeg';
				if (preg_match('%jpg%i', $content_type[1])) return 'jpg';
				if (preg_match('%png%i', $content_type[1])) return 'png';
				if (preg_match('%gif%i', $content_type[1])) return 'gif';
				if (preg_match('%svg%i', $content_type[1])) return 'svg';
                if (preg_match('%pdf%i', $content_type[1])) return 'pdf';
				return ($content_type[1] == "unknown") ? "" : $content_type[1];

			return '';


	if ( ! function_exists('pmxi_getExtension')){
		function pmxi_getExtension($str) 
	        $i = strrpos($str,".");        
	        if (!$i) return "";
	        $l = strlen($str) - $i;        
	        $ext = substr($str,$i+1,$l);	        
	        return (strlen($ext) <= 4) ? $ext : "";

	if ( ! function_exists('pmxi_getExtensionFromStr')){
		function pmxi_getExtensionFromStr($str) 
	    	$filetype = wp_check_filetype($str);	              
	        return ($filetype['ext'] == "unknown") ? "" : $filetype['ext'];

	if ( ! function_exists('pmxi_convert_encoding')){
		function pmxi_convert_encoding ( $source, $target_encoding = 'ASCII' )

			if ( function_exists('mb_detect_encoding') ){
			    // detect the character encoding of the incoming file
			    $encoding = mb_detect_encoding( $source, "auto" );
			    // escape all of the question marks so we can remove artifacts from
			    // the unicode conversion process
			    $target = str_replace( "?", "[question_mark]", $source );
			    // convert the string to the target encoding
			    $target = mb_convert_encoding( $target, $target_encoding, $encoding);
			    // remove any question marks that have been introduced because of illegal characters
			    $target = str_replace( "?", "", $target );
			    // replace the token string "[question_mark]" with the symbol "?"
			    $target = str_replace( "[question_mark]", "?", $target );
			    return html_entity_decode($target, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');


			return $source;

	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_get_remote_file_name')){

		function wp_all_import_get_remote_file_name($filePath){
			$type = (preg_match('%\W(csv|txt|dat|psv)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'csv' : false;
			if (!$type) $type = (preg_match('%\W(xml)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'xml' : false;
			if (!$type) $type = (preg_match('%\W(zip)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'zip' : false;
			if (!$type) $type = (preg_match('%\W(gz)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'gz' : false;			

                $filePath = strtok($filePath, "?");
                $type = (preg_match('%\W(csv|txt|dat|psv)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'csv' : false;
                if (!$type) $type = (preg_match('%\W(xml)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'xml' : false;
                if (!$type) $type = (preg_match('%\W(zip)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'zip' : false;
                if (!$type) $type = (preg_match('%\W(gz)$%i', basename($filePath))) ? 'gz' : false;

			return ($type) ? $type : false;

	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_translate_uri') ){
		function wp_all_import_translate_uri($uri) {
		    $parts = explode('/', $uri);
		    for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
		      $parts[$i] = rawurlencode($parts[$i]);
		    return implode('/', $parts);

	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_cdata_filter')){
		function wp_all_import_cdata_filter($matches){		    
		    PMXI_Import_Record::$cdata[] = $matches[0];
		    return '{{CPLACE_'. count(PMXI_Import_Record::$cdata) .'}}';

	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_isValidMd5')){
		function wp_all_import_isValidMd5($md5 ='')
		    return preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/', $md5);

	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_get_relative_path') ){
		function wp_all_import_get_relative_path($path){

			$uploads = wp_upload_dir();

			return str_replace($uploads['basedir'], '', $path);			


	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_get_absolute_path') ){
		function wp_all_import_get_absolute_path($path){
			$uploads = wp_upload_dir();			

			return ( strpos($path, $uploads['basedir']) === false and ! preg_match('%^https?://%i', $path)) ? $uploads['basedir'] . $path : $path;

	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_clear_xss') ){
		function wp_all_import_clear_xss( $str ) {
			return stripslashes(esc_sql(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($str))));

	if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_get_taxonomies')) {
        function wp_all_import_get_taxonomies() {
            // get all taxonomies
            $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(FALSE, 'objects');
            $ignore = array('nav_menu', 'link_category');
            $r = array();
            // populate $r
            foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                if (in_array($taxonomy->name, $ignore)) {
                if ( ! empty($taxonomy->labels->name) && strpos($taxonomy->labels->name, "_") === false){
                    $r[$taxonomy->name] = $taxonomy->labels->name;
                    $r[$taxonomy->name] = empty($taxonomy->labels->singular_name) ? $taxonomy->name : $taxonomy->labels->singular_name;
            asort($r, SORT_FLAG_CASE | SORT_STRING);
            // return
            return $r;


    if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_is_password_protected_feed')){
        function wp_all_import_is_password_protected_feed($url){
            $url_data = parse_url($url);
            return (!empty($url_data['user']) and !empty($url_data['pass'])) ? true : false;

    if ( ! function_exists('wp_all_import_cmp_custom_types')){
        function wp_all_import_cmp_custom_types($a, $b)
            return strcmp($a->labels->name, $b->labels->name);