class-import-wpseo.php 6 KB
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 * @package WPSEO\Admin\Import\External

 * Class WPSEO_Import_WPSEO
 * Class with functionality to import Yoast SEO settings from wpSEO
class WPSEO_Import_WPSEO extends WPSEO_Import_External {

	 * Import wpSEO settings
	public function __construct() {


				/* translators: 1: link open tag; 2: link close tag. */
				__( 'wpSEO data successfully imported. Would you like to %1$sdisable the wpSEO plugin%2$s?', 'wordpress-seo' ),
				'<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpseo_tools&tool=import-export&deactivate_wpseo=1#top#import-seo' ) ) . '">',


	 * Import the post meta values to Yoast SEO by replacing the wpSEO fields by Yoast SEO fields
	private function import_post_metas() {
		WPSEO_Meta::replace_meta( '_wpseo_edit_title', WPSEO_Meta::$meta_prefix . 'title', $this->replace );
		WPSEO_Meta::replace_meta( '_wpseo_edit_description', WPSEO_Meta::$meta_prefix . 'metadesc', $this->replace );
		WPSEO_Meta::replace_meta( '_wpseo_edit_keywords', WPSEO_Meta::$meta_prefix . 'keywords', $this->replace );
		WPSEO_Meta::replace_meta( '_wpseo_edit_canonical', WPSEO_Meta::$meta_prefix . 'canonical', $this->replace );


	 * Importing the robot values from WPSEO plugin. These have to be converted to the Yoast format.
	private function import_post_robots() {
		$query_posts  = new WP_Query( 'post_type=any&meta_key=_wpseo_edit_robots&order=ASC' );

		if ( ! empty( $query_posts->posts ) ) {
			foreach ( $query_posts->posts as $post ) {
				$this->import_post_robot( $post->ID );

	 * Getting the wpSEO robot value and map this to Yoast SEO values.
	 * @param integer $post_id The post id of the current post.
	private function import_post_robot( $post_id ) {
		$wpseo_robots = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wpseo_edit_robots', true );

		// Does the value exists in our mapping.
		if ( $robot_value = $this->get_robot_value( $wpseo_robots ) ) {
			// Saving the new meta values for Yoast SEO.
			WPSEO_Meta::set_value( $robot_value['index'], 'meta-robots-noindex', $post_id );
			WPSEO_Meta::set_value( $robot_value['follow'], 'meta-robots-nofollow', $post_id );

		$this->delete_post_robot( $post_id );

	 * Delete the wpSEO robot values, because they aren't needed anymore.
	 * @param integer $post_id The post id of the current post.
	private function delete_post_robot( $post_id ) {
		if ( $this->replace ) {
			delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wpseo_edit_robots' );

	 * Import the taxonomy metas from wpSEO
	private function import_taxonomy_metas() {
		$terms    = get_terms( get_taxonomies(), array( 'hide_empty' => false ) );
		$tax_meta = get_option( 'wpseo_taxonomy_meta' );

		foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
			$this->import_taxonomy_description( $tax_meta, $term->taxonomy, $term->term_id );
			$this->import_taxonomy_robots( $tax_meta, $term->taxonomy, $term->term_id );
			$this->delete_taxonomy_metas( $term->taxonomy, $term->term_id );

		update_option( 'wpseo_taxonomy_meta', $tax_meta );

	 * Import the meta description to Yoast SEO
	 * @param array  $tax_meta The array with the current metadata.
	 * @param string $taxonomy String with the name of the taxonomy.
	 * @param string $term_id  The ID of the current term.
	private function import_taxonomy_description( & $tax_meta, $taxonomy, $term_id ) {
		$description = get_option( 'wpseo_' . $taxonomy . '_' . $term_id, false );
		if ( $description !== false ) {
			// Import description.
			$tax_meta[ $taxonomy ][ $term_id ]['wpseo_desc'] = $description;

	 * Import the robot value to Yoast SEO
	 * @param array  $tax_meta The array with the current metadata.
	 * @param string $taxonomy String with the name of the taxonomy.
	 * @param string $term_id  The ID of the current term.
	private function import_taxonomy_robots( & $tax_meta, $taxonomy, $term_id ) {
		$wpseo_robots = get_option( 'wpseo_' . $taxonomy . '_' . $term_id . '_robots', false );
		if ( $wpseo_robots !== false ) {
			// The value 1, 2 and 6 are the index values in wpSEO.
			$new_robot_value = ( in_array( $wpseo_robots, array( 1, 2, 6 ) ) ) ? 'index' : 'noindex';

			$tax_meta[ $taxonomy ][ $term_id ]['wpseo_noindex'] = $new_robot_value;

	 * Delete the wpSEO taxonomy meta data.
	 * @param string $taxonomy String with the name of the taxonomy.
	 * @param string $term_id  The ID of the current term.
	private function delete_taxonomy_metas( $taxonomy, $term_id ) {
		if ( $this->replace ) {
			delete_option( 'wpseo_' . $taxonomy . '_' . $term_id );
			delete_option( 'wpseo_' . $taxonomy . '_' . $term_id . '_robots' );

	 * Getting the robot config by given wpSEO robots value.
	 * @param string $wpseo_robots The value in wpSEO that needs to be converted to the Yoast format.
	 * @return array
	private function get_robot_value( $wpseo_robots ) {
		static $robot_values;

		if ( $robot_values === null ) {
			 * The values 1 - 6 are the configured values from wpSEO. This array will map the values of wpSEO to our values.
			 * There are some double array like 1-6 and 3-4. The reason is they only set the index value. The follow value is
			 * the default we use in the cases there isn't a follow value present.
			 * @var array
			$robot_values = array(
				1 => array( 'index' => 2, 'follow' => 0 ), // In wpSEO: index, follow.
				2 => array( 'index' => 2, 'follow' => 1 ), // In wpSEO: index, nofollow.
				3 => array( 'index' => 1, 'follow' => 0 ), // In wpSEO: noindex.
				4 => array( 'index' => 1, 'follow' => 0 ), // In wpSEO: noindex, follow.
				5 => array( 'index' => 1, 'follow' => 1 ), // In wpSEO: noindex, nofollow.
				6 => array( 'index' => 2, 'follow' => 0 ), // In wpSEO: index.

		if ( array_key_exists( $wpseo_robots, $robot_values ) ) {
			return $robot_values[ $wpseo_robots ];

		return array( 'index' => 2, 'follow' => 0 );