duplicate-post-common.php 4.79 KB
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 * Test if the user is allowed to copy posts
function duplicate_post_is_current_user_allowed_to_copy() {
	return current_user_can('copy_posts');

 * Test if post type is enable to be copied
function duplicate_post_is_post_type_enabled($post_type){
	$duplicate_post_types_enabled = get_option('duplicate_post_types_enabled', array ('post', 'page'));
	if(!is_array($duplicate_post_types_enabled)) $duplicate_post_types_enabled = array($duplicate_post_types_enabled);
	return in_array($post_type, $duplicate_post_types_enabled);

 * Wrapper for the option 'duplicate_post_create_user_level'
function duplicate_post_get_copy_user_level() {
	return get_option( 'duplicate_post_copy_user_level' );

// Template tag
 * Retrieve duplicate post link for post.
 * @param int $id Optional. Post ID.
 * @param string $context Optional, default to display. How to write the '&', defaults to '&amp;'.
 * @param string $draft Optional, default to true
 * @return string
function duplicate_post_get_clone_post_link( $id = 0, $context = 'display', $draft = true ) {
	if ( !duplicate_post_is_current_user_allowed_to_copy() )

	if ( !$post = get_post( $id ) )

	if ($draft)
	$action_name = "duplicate_post_save_as_new_post_draft";
	$action_name = "duplicate_post_save_as_new_post";

	if ( 'display' == $context )
	$action = '?action='.$action_name.'&amp;post='.$post->ID;
	$action = '?action='.$action_name.'&post='.$post->ID;

	$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post->post_type );
	if ( !$post_type_object )

	return wp_nonce_url(apply_filters( 'duplicate_post_get_clone_post_link', admin_url( "admin.php". $action ), $post->ID, $context ), 'duplicate-post_' . $post->ID);
 * Display duplicate post link for post.
 * @param string $link Optional. Anchor text.
 * @param string $before Optional. Display before edit link.
 * @param string $after Optional. Display after edit link.
 * @param int $id Optional. Post ID.
function duplicate_post_clone_post_link( $link = null, $before = '', $after = '', $id = 0 ) {
	if ( !$post = get_post( $id ) )

	if ( !$url = duplicate_post_get_clone_post_link( $post->ID ) )

	if ( null === $link )
	$link = esc_html__('Copy to a new draft', 'duplicate-post');

	$link = '<a class="post-clone-link" href="' . $url . '" title="'
	. esc_attr__("Copy to a new draft", 'duplicate-post')
	.'">' . $link . '</a>';
	echo $before . apply_filters( 'duplicate_post_clone_post_link', $link, $post->ID ) . $after;
 * Get original post .
 * @param int $post Optional. Post ID or Post object.
 * @param string $output Optional, default is Object. Either OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N.
 * @return mixed Post data
function duplicate_post_get_original($post = null , $output = OBJECT){
	if ( !$post = get_post( $post ) )
	$original_ID = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_dp_original');
	if (empty($original_ID)) return null;
	$original_post = get_post($original_ID[0],  $output);
	return $original_post;

// Admin bar
function duplicate_post_admin_bar_render() {
	if(!is_admin_bar_showing()) return;
	global $wp_admin_bar;
	$current_object = get_queried_object();
	if ( empty($current_object) )
	if ( ! empty( $current_object->post_type )
		&& ( $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $current_object->post_type ) )
		&& duplicate_post_is_current_user_allowed_to_copy()
		&& ( $post_type_object->show_ui || 'attachment' == $current_object->post_type )
		&& (duplicate_post_is_post_type_enabled($current_object->post_type) ) )
		$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
        'id' => 'new_draft',
        'title' => esc_attr__("Copy to a new draft", 'duplicate-post'),
        'href' => duplicate_post_get_clone_post_link( $current_object->ID )
		) );	

function duplicate_post_add_css() {
	if(!is_admin_bar_showing()) return;
	$current_object = get_queried_object();
	if ( empty($current_object) )
	if ( ! empty( $current_object->post_type )
		&& ( $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $current_object->post_type ) )
		&& duplicate_post_is_current_user_allowed_to_copy()
		&& ( $post_type_object->show_ui || 'attachment' == $current_object->post_type )
		&& (duplicate_post_is_post_type_enabled($current_object->post_type) ) )
		wp_enqueue_style ( 'duplicate-post', plugins_url('/duplicate-post.css', __FILE__));

add_action('init', 'duplicate_post_init');

function duplicate_post_init(){
	if (get_option ( 'duplicate_post_show_adminbar' ) == 1) {
		add_action ( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'duplicate_post_admin_bar_render' );
		add_action ( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'duplicate_post_add_css' );	

 * Sort taxonomy objects: first public, then private
function duplicate_post_tax_obj_cmp($a, $b) {
	return ($a->public < $b->public);