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phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog

4.9.1 (2019-09-20)
- issue #15313 Added support for Twig 2
- issue #15315 Fix cannot edit or export column with default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in MySQL >= 8.0.13
- issue        Fix a TypeError in Import class with PHP 8
- issue #14270 Fix Middle-click on foreign key link broken
- issue #14363 Fix broken relational links in tables
- issue #14987 Fix weird error for empty collation
- issue #15334 Fix export of GIS visualisation not working (PNG, PDF, SVG)
- issue #14918 Use hex for the phpMyAdmin session token
- issue        Added GB18030 Chinese collations description
- issue        Added Russian, Swedish, Slovak and Chinese UCA 9.0.0 collations description
- issue        Added description for the _ks (kana-sensitive) collation suffix
- issue        Added description for the _nopad (NO PAD) collation suffix
- issue #15404 Remove array/string curly braces access
- issue #15427 Fixed "FilterLanguages" option does not work (configuration)
- issue #15202 Fixed creating user with single quote in password results in no password user
- issue #14950 Fixed left database overview "add column" triggers error
- issue #15363 Fix remove unexpected quotes on text fields (structure and insert)
- issue        Fix NULL wrongly checked on field change
- issue #15388 Fix allow to rollback an empty statement
- issue #14291 Fixed incorrect linkage from one table's value to another table
- issue #15446 Fix tables added from other databases are not collapsing in the designer section
- issue #14945 Fix designer page save fails if dB name contains period
- issue        Display an error when trying to import in designer a table that's already imported
- issue        Fix many bugs when adding new tables to designer
- issue        Update CodeMirror to v5.48.4
- issue        Update jQuery Migrate to v3.1.0
- issue        Update jQuery Validation to v1.19.1
- issue        Update jQuery to v3.4.1
- issue        Update js-cookie to v2.2.1
- issue        Remove fieldset closing tag when setting global privileges
- issue #15425 Fix backslash in column name resulting an error in editing
- issue #15380 Fix Status - Advisor error
- issue #15439 Fix designer page status not updated when added a new table from another database
- issue #15440 Fix page number is not being updated in the URL after saving a designer's page
- issue        Fix reloading a designer's page
- issue        Fix designer full screen mode button and text stuck when exiting full-screen mode
- issue        Reduced possibility of causing heavy server traffic between the database and web servers
- issue        Fix a situation where a server could be deleted while an administator is using the setup script (2019-06-04)
- issue #14478 phpMyAdmin no longer streams the export data
- issue #14514 Tables with SYSTEM VERSIONING show up as views instead of tables
- issue #14515 Values cannot be edited in SYSTEM VERSIONING tables with INVISIBLE timestamps
- issue        Fix header icon on server plugins page
- issue #14298 Fixed error 500 on MultiTableQuery page when a empty query is passed
- issue #14402 Fixed fatal javascript error while adding index to a new column
- issue #14896 Fixed issue with plus/minus icon when refreshing an expanded database
- issue #14922 Fixed json encode error in export
- issue #13975 Fixed missing query time in German (fix decimal number format issue)
- issue #14503 Fixed JavaScript events not activating on input (sql bookmark issue)
- issue #14898 Fixed Bottom table is blocked in database list (left panel)
- issue #14425 Fixed Null Checkbox automatically unmarked
- issue #14870 Display correct date and time in Zip files
- issue #14763 Fixed the loading symbol not appearing when refreshing the navigation
- issue #14607 Count rows only if needed
- issue #14832 Show Designer combo boxes when adding a constraint
- issue #14948 Fix change password is not showing password strength difference at the second attempt
- issue #14868 Fix edit view
- issue #14943 Fixed loading Forever when creating new view without filling any field
- issue #14843 Fix Bookmark::get() id matching SQL
- issue #14734 Fixed invalid default value for bit field
- issue #14311 Fixed undefined index in setup script
- issue #14991 Fixed TypeError in GIS editor
- issue        Fixed GIS data editor for multi server setup
- issue #14312 Fixed type error in setup script when adding new server
- issue #14053 Fix missed padding on query results
- issue #14826 Fixed javascript error PMA_messages is not defined
- issue        Show error message if config-set fails and not "loading..." forever
- issue #14359 Prevent multiple error modals, and error-report request spamming from script
- issue        Fixed error reporting javascript errors on multi server setup
- issue        Fixed wrong property name on TableStructureController
- issue #14811 Fix SHOW FULL TABLES FROM when a table is locked
- issue #14916 Fix bug when creating or editing views
- issue #14931 Fixed php error when using a query like SELECT 1 INTO @a; SELECT @a; in inline query edit
- issue #15074 Make the server logo visible on theme "original"
- issue #15077 Fixed incorrect page numbers
- issue #14205 Fixed "No tables found in database" when you delete all tables from last page
- issue #14957 Virtuality is not selected when editing generated column (added virtuality(stored) option for mariadb)
- issue #14853 Insert page should not allow entering things into virtual columns
- issue #15110 Fixed TypeError e.preventDefaulut is not a function
- issue #15115 Improved label in Settings export, clarifying that it's a JSON file
- issue #14816 Fixed [designer] Cannot read property 'style' of null
- issue        Fixed [designer] Add new tables with database/table list modal
- issue        Fixed query format on multi server setup
- issue        Fixed remove partitioning on multi server setup
- issue        Fixed normalization
- issue        Fixed 'RESET SLAVE' button on replication slave
- issue        Fixed sending a php error report on multi server setup
- issue        Fixed downloading of monitor parameters for IE 11, Edge, Chrome and others
- issue #15141 Fixed php notice Undefined index: designer_settings
- issue #12729 Fixed sticky table header over dropdown menu
- issue #15140 Fixed edit link does not work on failed insert
- issue #14334 Fixed export table structure shows rows fields
- issue #15010 Fixed empty SQL preview modal on tbl_relation
- issue #14673 Fixed innodb & MySQL 8: DYNAMIC & COMPRESSED ROW_FORMAT missing
- issue        Fixed empty success message when adding a new INDEX from left panel
- issue #15150 Fixed generate password hidden on second open of change password modal
- issue        Fixed import XML data with leading zeros
- issue #15036 Fixed missing input fields checks for MaxSizeForInputField
- issue #15119 Fixed uninterpreted HTML on Settings->Export page
- issue #15159 Fixed missing query time and database in console
- issue #13713 Fixed column comments in the floating table header
- issue #15177 Fixed label alignment on login page
- issue #15210 Fixed a typo in the english name of the Albanian language
- issue        Fixed issue when resetting charset in import.php
- issue #14460 Fixed forms where submitted multiple times on CTRL + ENTER
- issue #15038 Fixed console height was allowing a negative values
- issue #15219 Fixed 'No Password' option does not switch automatically to 'Use Text Field' in add user account
- issue        Fixed importing the exported config on Server status monitor page
- issue #15228 Fixed php notice 'Undefined index: foreign_keys_data' on designer when the user has column access
- issue #12900 Fixed designer page saving gives error when configuration storage is not set up
- issue #15229 Fixed php notice, added support for 'DELETE HISTORY' table privilege (MariaDB >= 10.3.4)
- issue #14527 Fixed import settings function not working
- issue #14908 Fixed uninterpreted HTML on Settings->Import (missing data error descriptions)
- issue #14800 Fixed status->Processes doesn't show full query process list page
- issue #14833 Fixed sort by Time not working in process list page
- issue #14982 Fixed setting "null" keep an "enum" value
- issue #14401 Fixed insert rows keypress Enter behavior
- issue #15146 Fixed error reports can not be sent because they are too large
- issue #15205 Fixed useless backquotes on sql preview modal when deleting an index
- issue #13178 Fixed issues with uppercase table and database names (lower_case_table_names=1)
- issue #14383 Fixed warning when browsing certain tables (GIS data)
- issue #12865 Fixed MySQL 8.0.0 issues with GIS display
- issue #15059 Fixed "Server charset" in "Database server" tab showing wrong information
- issue #14614 Fixed mysql error "#2014 - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" on sql query
- issue #15238 Fixed phpMyAdmin 4.8.5 doesn't show privileges of procedures (raw html displayed instead)
- issue #13726 Fixed can not copy user on Percona Server 5.7
- issue #15239 Fixed javascript error while fetching latest version info and switching pages
- issue #14301 Fixed javascript error when editing a JSON data type column
- issue #15240 Fixed apply a Settings form with errors shows a JSON response after using return back
- issue #15043 Fixed multiple errors printing on Settings page
- issue #15037 Fixed unexpected behavior of reset button on Settings
- issue #15157 Fixed 'Settings' tab not marked as active when browsing 2FA settings
- issue #14934 Fixed all fields readonly on Edit/Insert screens
- issue #14588 Fixed export of geometry objects, GIS objects are now exported as hex
- issue #14412 Better handling of errors with Signon authentication type
- issue        Added support for AUTO_INCREMENT when using ROCKSDB, on Operations page
- issue #15276 Fixed partitioning is missing in Structure page UI (MySQL 8.0)
- issue #14252 Fixed DisableIS and database tree list (new database missing when refreshing the list)
- issue #14621 Removed "Propose table structure" on MySQL 8.0
- issue        Fixed editing of virtual columns on PerconaDB
- issue #13854 Fixed column options are ignored for GENERATED/VIRTUAL/STORED columns
- issue #15262 Fixed incorrect display of charset column (raw html)
- issue        Added explicit parentheses in nested ternary operators
- issue #15287 Fix auto_increment field is too small
- issue #15283 Fix tries to change collation on views when changing collation on all tables/fields
- issue        Fixed empty PMA_gotoWhitelist JavaScript array
- issue #15079 Fixed responsive behaviour of instruction dialog box
- issue #10846 Fixed javascript error when renaming a table
- issue        Updated sql-parser to version 4.3.2
- issue        [security] SQL injection in Designer (PMASA-2019-3)
- issue        [security] CSRF attack on 'cookie' login form (PMASA-2019-4)

4.8.5 (2019-01-25)
- issue        Developer debug data was saved to the PHP error log
- issue #14217 Fix issue when adding user on MySQL 8.0.11
- issue #13788 Exporting a view structure based on another view with a sub-query throws no database selected error
- issue #14635 Fix PHP error in GitRevision, error in processing request, error code 200
- issue #14787 Cannot execute stored procedure
- issue        Add Burmese language
- issue #14794 Not responding to click, frozen interface, plugin Text_Plain_Sql error
- issue #14786 Table level Operations functions missing
- issue #14791 PHP warning, db_export.php#L91 urldecode()
- issue #14775 Export to SQL format not available for tables
- issue #14782 Error message shown instead of two-factor QR code when adding 2fa to a user
- issue        [security] Arbitrary file read/delete relating to MySQL LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE and an evil server instance (PMASA-2019-1)
- issue        [security] SQL injection in Designer (PMASA-2019-2)

         --- Older ChangeLogs can be found on our project website ---

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