4c1e7531483243332f2084adf2d2a9b473f3e155c00f6b5cd019ed6b7fca8e0d.php 11.6 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235

use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Error\LoaderError;
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
use Twig\Markup;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;
use Twig\Source;
use Twig\Template;

/* table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig */
class __TwigTemplate_7966a89b8c04d1d3f5884edacd18cc23a876709b6f75dd9366c5078b418c5c3e extends \Twig\Template
    public function __construct(Environment $env)

        $this->parent = false;

        $this->blocks = [

    protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
        // line 1
        echo "<td class=\"print_ignore\"><ul class=\"table-structure-actions resizable-menu\">
        // line 2
        if (($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) {
            // line 3
            echo "        <li class=\"submenu shown\">
            <a href=\"#\" class=\"tab nowrap\">";
            // line 4
            echo PhpMyAdmin\Util::getIcon("b_more", _gettext("More"));
            echo "</a>
        // line 7
        echo "    ";
        // line 8
        echo "    ";
        $this->loadTemplate("table/structure/action_row_in_structure_table.twig", "table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig", 8)->display(twig_to_array(["type" =>         // line 9
($context["type"] ?? null), "tbl_storage_engine" =>         // line 10
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null), "class" => "primary nowrap", "has_field" => (        // line 12
($context["primary"] ?? null) && $this->getAttribute(($context["primary"] ?? null), "hasColumn", [0 => ($context["field_name"] ?? null)], "method")), "has_link_class" => true, "url_query" =>         // line 14
($context["url_query"] ?? null), "primary" =>         // line 15
($context["primary"] ?? null), "syntax" => "ADD PRIMARY KEY", "message" => _gettext("A primary key has been added on %s."), "action" => "Primary", "titles" =>         // line 19
($context["titles"] ?? null), "row" =>         // line 20
($context["row"] ?? null), "is_primary" => true, "table" =>         // line 22
($context["table"] ?? null)]));
        // line 24
        echo "
        // line 26
        echo "    ";
        $this->loadTemplate("table/structure/action_row_in_structure_table.twig", "table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig", 26)->display(twig_to_array(["type" =>         // line 27
($context["type"] ?? null), "tbl_storage_engine" =>         // line 28
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null), "class" => "add_unique unique nowrap", "has_field" => twig_in_filter(        // line 30
($context["field_name"] ?? null), ($context["columns_with_unique_index"] ?? null)), "has_link_class" => false, "url_query" =>         // line 32
($context["url_query"] ?? null), "primary" =>         // line 33
($context["primary"] ?? null), "syntax" => "ADD UNIQUE", "message" => _gettext("An index has been added on %s."), "action" => "Unique", "titles" =>         // line 37
($context["titles"] ?? null), "row" =>         // line 38
($context["row"] ?? null), "is_primary" => false, "table" =>         // line 40
($context["table"] ?? null)]));
        // line 42
        echo "
        // line 44
        echo "    ";
        $this->loadTemplate("table/structure/action_row_in_structure_table.twig", "table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig", 44)->display(twig_to_array(["type" =>         // line 45
($context["type"] ?? null), "tbl_storage_engine" =>         // line 46
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null), "class" => "add_index nowrap", "has_field" => false, "has_link_class" => false, "url_query" =>         // line 50
($context["url_query"] ?? null), "primary" =>         // line 51
($context["primary"] ?? null), "syntax" => "ADD INDEX", "message" => _gettext("An index has been added on %s."), "action" => "Index", "titles" =>         // line 55
($context["titles"] ?? null), "row" =>         // line 56
($context["row"] ?? null), "is_primary" => false, "table" =>         // line 58
($context["table"] ?? null)]));
        // line 60
        echo "
        // line 62
        echo "    ";
        $context["spatial_types"] = [0 => "geometry", 1 => "point", 2 => "linestring", 3 => "polygon", 4 => "multipoint", 5 => "multilinestring", 6 => "multipolygon", 7 => "geomtrycollection"];
        // line 72
        echo "    ";
        $this->loadTemplate("table/structure/action_row_in_structure_table.twig", "table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig", 72)->display(twig_to_array(["type" =>         // line 73
($context["type"] ?? null), "tbl_storage_engine" =>         // line 74
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null), "class" => "spatial nowrap", "has_field" => (!twig_in_filter(        // line 76
($context["type"] ?? null), ($context["spatial_types"] ?? null)) && ((        // line 77
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "MYISAM") || (($context["mysql_int_version"] ?? null) >= 50705))), "has_link_class" => false, "url_query" =>         // line 79
($context["url_query"] ?? null), "primary" =>         // line 80
($context["primary"] ?? null), "syntax" => "ADD SPATIAL", "message" => _gettext("An index has been added on %s."), "action" => "Spatial", "titles" =>         // line 84
($context["titles"] ?? null), "row" =>         // line 85
($context["row"] ?? null), "is_primary" => false, "table" =>         // line 87
($context["table"] ?? null)]));
        // line 89
        echo "
        // line 91
        echo "    <li class=\"fulltext nowrap\">
        // line 92
        if ((( !twig_test_empty(($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null)) && ((((        // line 93
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "MYISAM") || (        // line 94
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "ARIA")) || (        // line 95
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "MARIA")) || ((        // line 96
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "INNODB") && (($context["mysql_int_version"] ?? null) >= 50604)))) && (twig_in_filter("text",         // line 97
($context["type"] ?? null)) || twig_in_filter("char", ($context["type"] ?? null))))) {
            // line 98
            echo "        <a rel=\"samepage\" class=\"ajax add_key add_fulltext_anchor\" href=\"tbl_structure.php\"
            // line 99
            echo ($context["url_query"] ?? null);
            echo "&amp;add_key=1&amp;sql_query=";
            // line 100
            echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_urlencode_filter((((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote(($context["table"] ?? null))) . " ADD FULLTEXT(") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote($this->getAttribute(            // line 101
($context["row"] ?? null), "Field", [], "array"))) . ");")), "html", null, true);
            // line 102
            echo "&amp;message_to_show=";
            // line 103
            echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_urlencode_filter(sprintf(_gettext("An index has been added on %s."), twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["row"] ?? null), "Field", [], "array")))), "html", null, true);
            echo "\">
            // line 104
            echo $this->getAttribute(($context["titles"] ?? null), "IdxFulltext", [], "array");
            echo "
        } else {
            // line 107
            echo "        ";
            echo $this->getAttribute(($context["titles"] ?? null), "NoIdxFulltext", [], "array");
            echo "
        // line 109
        echo "    </li>

        // line 112
        echo "    <li class=\"browse nowrap\">
        <a href=\"sql.php\" data-post=\"";
        // line 113
        echo ($context["url_query"] ?? null);
        echo "&amp;sql_query=";
        // line 114
        echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_urlencode_filter(((((((((("SELECT COUNT(*) AS " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote(_gettext("Rows"))) . ", ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote($this->getAttribute(        // line 115
($context["row"] ?? null), "Field", [], "array"))) . " FROM ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote(        // line 116
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " GROUP BY ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote($this->getAttribute(        // line 117
($context["row"] ?? null), "Field", [], "array"))) . " ORDER BY ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote($this->getAttribute(        // line 118
($context["row"] ?? null), "Field", [], "array")))), "html", null, true);
        // line 119
        echo "&amp;is_browse_distinct=1\">
        // line 120
        echo $this->getAttribute(($context["titles"] ?? null), "DistinctValues", [], "array");
        echo "
        // line 123
        if (($context["central_columns_work"] ?? null)) {
            // line 124
            echo "        <li class=\"browse nowrap\">
            // line 125
            if (($context["is_in_central_columns"] ?? null)) {
                // line 126
                echo "            <a href=\"#\" class=\"central_columns remove_button\">
                // line 127
                echo PhpMyAdmin\Util::getIcon("centralColumns_delete", _gettext("Remove from central columns"));
                echo "
            } else {
                // line 130
                echo "            <a href=\"#\" class=\"central_columns add_button\">
                // line 131
                echo PhpMyAdmin\Util::getIcon("centralColumns_add", _gettext("Add to central columns"));
                echo "
            // line 134
            echo "        </li>
        // line 136
        echo "    ";
        if (($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) {
            // line 137
            echo "            </ul>
        // line 140
        echo "</ul></td>

    public function getTemplateName()
        return "table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig";

    public function isTraitable()
        return false;

    public function getDebugInfo()
        return array (  204 => 140,  199 => 137,  196 => 136,  192 => 134,  186 => 131,  183 => 130,  177 => 127,  174 => 126,  172 => 125,  169 => 124,  167 => 123,  161 => 120,  158 => 119,  156 => 118,  155 => 117,  154 => 116,  153 => 115,  152 => 114,  149 => 113,  146 => 112,  142 => 109,  136 => 107,  130 => 104,  126 => 103,  124 => 102,  122 => 101,  121 => 100,  118 => 99,  115 => 98,  113 => 97,  112 => 96,  111 => 95,  110 => 94,  109 => 93,  108 => 92,  105 => 91,  102 => 89,  100 => 87,  99 => 85,  98 => 84,  97 => 80,  96 => 79,  95 => 77,  94 => 76,  93 => 74,  92 => 73,  90 => 72,  87 => 62,  84 => 60,  82 => 58,  81 => 56,  80 => 55,  79 => 51,  78 => 50,  77 => 46,  76 => 45,  74 => 44,  71 => 42,  69 => 40,  68 => 38,  67 => 37,  66 => 33,  65 => 32,  64 => 30,  63 => 28,  62 => 27,  60 => 26,  57 => 24,  55 => 22,  54 => 20,  53 => 19,  52 => 15,  51 => 14,  50 => 12,  49 => 10,  48 => 9,  46 => 8,  44 => 7,  38 => 4,  35 => 3,  33 => 2,  30 => 1,);

    /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
    public function getSource()
        @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);

        return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();

    public function getSourceContext()
        return new Source("", "table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig", "/data/FIP10/Donnees/NET/APA/docs/FIP10_NET/pma/templates/table/structure/actions_in_table_structure.twig");