<?php /** * @author Olexandr Zanichkovsky <olexandr.zanichkovsky@zophiatech.com> * @package General */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstSequence.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstPrint.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstText.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstWith.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstForeach.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstIf.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstMath.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstSpintax.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstXPath.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstString.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstInteger.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstFloat.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstFunction.php'; /** * Parses a list of nodes into AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) */ class XmlImportTemplateParser { /** * List of tokens * * @var array */ private $tokens; /** * Current index * * @var int */ private $index = -1; /** * Stack that stores possible block endings * * @var array */ private $clauseStack = array(); /** * Stack of sequences * * @var array */ private $sequenceStack = array(); /** * Whether else subclause is allowed * * @var bool */ private $elseAllowed = false; /** * Creates new instance * * @param array $tokens */ public function __construct(array $tokens) { $this->tokens = $tokens; } /** * Parses the list of tokens into AST tree * * @return XmlImportAstSequence */ public function parse() { $result = $this->parseSequence(); if (count($this->clauseStack) > 0) throw new XmlImportException("Unexpected end of template."); return $result; } /** * Parses sequence * * @return XmlImportAstSequence */ private function parseSequence() { if (($this->index + 1) == count($this->tokens)) throw new XmlImportException("Reached end of template but statement sequence expected"); $sequence = new XmlImportAstSequence(); array_push($this->sequenceStack, $sequence); if (count($this->clauseStack) == 0) { while (($this->index + 1) < count($this->tokens)) { $sequence->addStatement($this->parseStatement()); } } else { while (($this->index + 1) < count($this->tokens)) { if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == $this->clauseStack[count($this->clauseStack) - 1]) { $this->index++; array_pop($this->clauseStack); break; } $statement = $this->parseStatement(); if (is_null($statement)){ array_pop($this->sequenceStack); return $sequence; } $sequence->addStatement($statement); } } array_pop($this->sequenceStack); return $sequence; } /** * Parses statement * * @return XmlImportAstText */ private function parseStatement() { if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_TEXT) { return new XmlImportAstText($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_PRINT) { $this->index++; return new XmlImportAstPrint($this->parseExpression()); } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_WITH) { return $this->parseWith(); } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_FOREACH) { return $this->parseForeach(); } elseif($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_MATH) { return new XmlImportAstPrint($this->parseExpression()); } elseif($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_SPINTAX) { return new XmlImportAstPrint($this->parseExpression()); } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_IF) { return $this->parseIf(); } elseif($this->clauseStack[count($this->clauseStack) - 1] == XmlImportToken::KIND_ENDIF && in_array($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind(), array(XmlImportToken::KIND_ELSE, XmlImportToken::KIND_ELSEIF))) { if ($this->elseAllowed) { if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_ELSE) $this->elseAllowed = false; } else { throw new XmlImportException("ELSEIF or ELSE is not allowed again after ELSE"); } return null; } else throw new XmlImportException ("Unexpected token {$this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()}, statement was expected."); } /** * Parses expression * * @return XmlImportAstXPath */ private function parseExpression() { if ($this->index + 1 == count($this->tokens)) throw new XmlImportException("Reached end of template but expression was expected"); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_FUNCTION) { return $this->parseFunction(); } elseif($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_MATH) { return $this->parseMath(); } elseif($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_SPINTAX) { return $this->parseSpintax(); } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_XPATH) { $xpath = new XmlImportAstXPath($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); $this->sequenceStack[count($this->sequenceStack) - 1]->addVariable($xpath); return $xpath; } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_STRING || $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_OPERATION) { return new XmlImportAstString($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_INT) { return new XmlImportAstInteger($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_FLOAT) { return new XmlImportAstFloat($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); } else throw new XmlImportException("Unexpected token " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); } /** * Parses function * * @return XmlImportAstFunction */ private function parseFunction() { $function = new XmlImportAstFunction($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() != XmlImportToken::KIND_OPEN) throw new XmlImportException ("Open brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); $this->index++; if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) { $this->index++; return $function; } else { while ($this->index < count($this->tokens) - 2) { $function->addArgument($this->parseExpression()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) { $this->index++; return $function; break; } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_COMMA) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Comma or closing brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); } throw new XmlImportException("Unexpected end of {$function->getName()} function argument list"); } } /** * Parses function * * @return XmlImportAstFunction */ private function parseMath() { $math = new XmlImportAstMath($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() != XmlImportToken::KIND_OPEN) throw new XmlImportException ("Open brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); $this->index++; if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) { $this->index++; return $math; } else { while ($this->index < count($this->tokens) - 2) { $math->addArgument($this->parseExpression()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) { $this->index++; return $math; break; } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_COMMA) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Comma or closing brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); } throw new XmlImportException("Unexpected end of MATH argument list"); } } /** * Parses function * * @return XmlImportSpintaxFunction */ private function parseSpintax() { $spintax = new XmlImportAstSpintax($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() != XmlImportToken::KIND_OPEN) throw new XmlImportException ("Open brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); $this->index++; if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) { $this->index++; return $spintax; } else { while ($this->index < count($this->tokens) - 2) { $spintax->addArgument($this->parseExpression()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) { $this->index++; return $spintax; break; } elseif ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_COMMA) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Comma or closing brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); } throw new XmlImportException("Unexpected end of {$function->getName()} function argument list"); } } /** * Parses clause that uses XPath and returns XPath * * @return XmlImportAstXPath */ private function parseXPathDependant() { $this->index++; if ($this->index + 1 == count($this->tokens)) throw new XmlImportException("Reached end of template but expression was expected"); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_OPEN) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Open brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_XPATH) { $xpath = new XmlImportAstXPath($this->tokens[++$this->index]->getValue()); $this->sequenceStack[count($this->sequenceStack) - 1]->addVariable($xpath); } else throw new XmlImportException("XPath expression expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Close brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); return $xpath; } /** * Parses WITH clause * * @return XmlImportAstWith */ private function parseWith() { $xpath = $this->parseXPathDependant(); //store sequence exit array_push($this->clauseStack, XmlImportToken::KIND_ENDWITH); return new XmlImportAstWith($xpath, $this->parseSequence()); } /** * Parses FOREACH clause * * @return XmlImportAstForeach */ private function parseForeach() { $xpath = $this->parseXPathDependant(); array_push($this->clauseStack, XmlImportToken::KIND_ENDFOREACH); return new XmlImportAstForeach($xpath, $this->parseSequence()); } /** * Parses IF clause * * @return XmlImportAstIf */ private function parseIf() { $this->index++; $this->elseAllowed = true; array_push($this->clauseStack, XmlImportToken::KIND_ENDIF); if ($this->index + 1 == count($this->tokens)) throw new XmlImportException("Reached end of template but expression was expected"); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_OPEN) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Open brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); $if = new XmlImportAstIf($this->parseExpression()); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Close brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); $if->addIfBody($this->parseSequence()); if ($this->index + 1 != count($this->tokens)) { while ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_ELSEIF) { $this->index++; if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_OPEN) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Open brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); $condition = $this->parseExpression(); if ($this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_CLOSE) $this->index++; else throw new XmlImportException("Close brace expected instead of " . $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind()); $elseif = new XmlImportAstElseif($condition, $this->parseSequence()); $if->addElseif($elseif); if ($this->index + 1 == count($this->tokens)) break; } if ($this->index + 1 < count($this->tokens) && $this->tokens[$this->index + 1]->getKind() == XmlImportToken::KIND_ELSE) { $this->index++; $if->addElseBody($this->parseSequence()); } } return $if; } }