<?php /** * @package WPSEO\Admin */ if ( ! defined( 'WPSEO_VERSION' ) ) { header( 'Status: 403 Forbidden' ); header( 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' ); exit(); } ?> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-primary-term-input"> <input type="hidden" class="yoast-wpseo-primary-term" id="yoast-wpseo-primary-{{data.taxonomy.name}}" name="<?php echo WPSEO_Meta::$form_prefix; ?>primary_{{data.taxonomy.name}}_term" value="{{data.taxonomy.primary}}"> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'save-primary-term', WPSEO_Meta::$form_prefix . 'primary_{{data.taxonomy.name}}_nonce' ); ?> </script> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-primary-term-ui"> <?php printf( '<button type="button" class="wpseo-make-primary-term" aria-label="%1$s">%2$s</button>', esc_attr( sprintf( /* translators: accessibility text. %1$s expands to the term title, %2$s to the taxonomy title. */ __( 'Make %1$s primary %2$s', 'wordpress-seo' ), '{{data.term}}', '{{data.taxonomy.title}}' ) ), __( 'Make primary', 'wordpress-seo' ) ); ?> <span class="wpseo-is-primary-term" aria-hidden="true"><?php _e( 'Primary', 'wordpress-seo' ); ?></span> </script> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-primary-term-screen-reader"> <span class="screen-reader-text wpseo-primary-category-label"><?php printf( /* translators: %s is the taxonomy title. This will be shown to screenreaders */ '(' . __( 'Primary %s', 'wordpress-seo' ) . ')', '{{data.taxonomy.title}}' ); ?></span> </script>