<?php /** * @author Olexandr Zanichkovsky <olexandr.zanichkovsky@zophiatech.com> * @package General */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/XmlImportConfig.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstSequence.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstText.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstPrint.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstInteger.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstFloat.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstString.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstXPath.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstFunction.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstWith.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstForeach.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstIf.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstMath.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ast/XmlImportAstSpintax.php'; /** * Is used to generate a PHP code from AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) */ class XmlImportTemplateCodeGenerator { /** * Top level statement sequence * * @var XmlImportAstSequence */ private $sequence; /** * statement sequence stack * * @var array */ private $sequenceStack = array(); /** * SimpleXmlElement variable number * * @var int */ private $xmlVariableNumber = 0; /** * Previous statement * * @var XmlImportAstStatement */ private $previousStatement = null; /** * Stack of SimpleXmlElement instances * * @var array */ private $xmlStack = array(); /** * Whether PHP tag is open * * @var bool */ private $isPhpTagOpen = false; /** * Creates new instance * * @param XmlImportAstSequence $sequence */ public function __construct(XmlImportAstSequence $sequence) { $this->sequence = $sequence; } /** * Generates the code and returns the filename under which it was stored in * cache directory. If $filename is null then it is generated automatically * * @param string $filename * @return string */ public function generate($filename = null) { $result = ''; if (count($this->sequence->getVariables())) { $var = '$x' . $this->xmlVariableNumber++; array_push($this->xmlStack, $var); $result .= $this->openPhpTag() . $var . ' = $this->xml;' ; } $result .= $this->generateForSequence($this->sequence); if (count($this->sequence->getVariables())) { array_pop($this->xmlStack); } if (is_null($filename)) { $filename = @tempnam(XmlImportConfig::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(), 'xim'); } if ( ! $filename or ! @is_writable($filename) ){ $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $targetDir = $uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::TEMP_DIRECTORY; $filename = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . wp_unique_filename($targetDir, 'tmpfile'); } file_put_contents($filename, $result); //@chmod($filename, 0666); return $filename; } /** * Generates code for a statement sequence * * @param XmlImportAstSequence $sequence * @return string */ private function generateForSequence(XmlImportAstSequence $sequence) { array_push($this->sequenceStack, $sequence); $result = ''; if (count($sequence->getVariableDefinitions()) > 0) { $result .= $this->openPhpTag(); foreach ($sequence->getVariableDefinitions() as $xpath) { $result .= PHP_EOL . str_replace('{{XML}}', $this->xmlStack[count($this->xmlStack) - 1], $xpath); } $result .= PHP_EOL; } foreach ($sequence->getStatements() as $statement) { $result .= $this->generateForStatement($statement); } array_pop($this->sequenceStack); return $result; } /** * Generates code for a statement * * @param XmlImportAstStatement $statement * @return string */ private function generateForStatement(XmlImportAstStatement $statement) { $result = ''; if ($statement instanceof XmlImportAstText) { $result .= $this->closePhpTag(); $text = preg_replace('%<\?|\?>%', '<?php echo "$0"; ?>', $statement->getValue()); // escape php tags if ($this->previousStatement instanceof XmlImportAstPrint && (strpos($text, "\n") === 0 || strpos($text, "\r\n") === 0)) { $result .= PHP_EOL; } $result .= $text; } else { $result .= $this->openPhpTag(); if ($statement instanceof XmlImportAstPrint) { $result .= 'echo '; $result .= $this->generateForExpression($statement->getValue(), true) . ';'; } elseif ($statement instanceof XmlImportAstWith) { $var = '$x' . $this->xmlVariableNumber++; $result .= PHP_EOL . $var . ' = ' ; $result .= $this->generateForExpression($statement->getXpath()) . ';' . PHP_EOL; array_push($this->xmlStack, $var); $result .= 'if (' . $var . ' !== false && count(' . $var . ') > 0) :' . PHP_EOL . $var . ' = ' . $var . '[0];' . PHP_EOL; $result .= $this->generateForSequence($statement->getBody()); array_pop($this->xmlStack); $result .= $this->openPhpTag() . PHP_EOL . 'endif;' . PHP_EOL; } elseif ($statement instanceof XmlImportAstForeach) { $var = '$x' . $this->xmlVariableNumber++; $result .= PHP_EOL . 'foreach (' . $this->generateForExpression($statement->getXPath(), false) . ' as ' . $var . ') :' . PHP_EOL; array_push($this->xmlStack, $var); $result .= $this->generateForSequence($statement->getBody()); $result .= $this->openPhpTag() . PHP_EOL . 'endforeach;' . PHP_EOL; array_pop($this->xmlStack); } elseif ($statement instanceof XmlImportAstIf) { $result .= PHP_EOL . 'if (' . $this->generateForExpression($statement->getCondition()) . ') :' . PHP_EOL; $result .= $this->generateForSequence($statement->getIfBody()); foreach ($statement->getElseIfs() as $elseif) { $result .= $this->openPhpTag() . PHP_EOL . 'elseif (' . $this->generateForExpression($elseif->getCondition()) . ') :' . PHP_EOL; $result .= $this->generateForSequence($elseif->getBody()); } if (!is_null($body = $statement->getElseBody())) { $result .= $this->openPhpTag() . PHP_EOL . 'else :' . PHP_EOL; $result .= $this->generateForSequence($body); } $result .= $this->openPhpTag() . PHP_EOL . 'endif;' . PHP_EOL; } } $this->previousStatement = $statement; return $result; } /** * Generates code for expression * * @param XmlImportAstExpression $expression * @param bool $inPrint whether in print or in clause or function argument * @return string */ private function generateForExpression(XmlImportAstExpression $expression, $inPrint = false) { switch (get_class($expression)) { case 'XmlImportAstString': $result = '"' . $this->getEscapedValue($expression->getValue()) . '"'; break; case 'XmlImportAstInteger': case 'XmlImportAstFloat': $result = $expression->getValue(); break; case 'XmlImportAstXPath': if ($inPrint) { $variables = $this->sequenceStack[count($this->sequenceStack) - 1]->getVariables(); $result = '$this->getValue(' . $variables[$expression->getValue()] . ')'; } else { $variables = $this->sequenceStack[count($this->sequenceStack) - 1]->getVariables(); $result = $variables[$expression->getValue()]; } break; case 'XmlImportAstFunction': $result = $this->generateForFunction($expression); break; case 'XmlImportAstMath': $result = $this->generateForMath($expression); break; case 'XmlImportAstSpintax': $result = $this->generateForSpintax($expression); break; } return $result; } /** * Generates code for a function * * @param XmlImportAstFunction $function * @return string */ private function generateForFunction(XmlImportAstFunction $function) { $result = $function->getName() . '('; $arguments = $function->getArguments(); for($i = 0; $i < count($arguments); $i++) { $result .= $this->generateForExpression($arguments[$i], true); if ($i < (count($arguments) - 1)) $result .= ', '; } $result .= ')'; return $result; } /** * Generates code for a function * * @param XmlImportAstFunction $function * @return string */ private function generateForMath(XmlImportAstMath $math) { $result = ''; $arguments = $math->getArguments(); for($i = 0; $i < count($arguments); $i++) { $result .= $this->generateForExpression($arguments[$i], true); } return 'number_format('.str_replace("\"", "", $result).',2)'; } /** * Generates code for a function * * @param XmlImportAstSpintax $expression * @return string */ private function generateForSpintax(XmlImportAstSpintax $spintax) { $result = ''; $arguments = $spintax->getArguments(); $elements = array(); $buf = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($arguments); $i++) { if ($arguments[$i]->getValue() != '|') array_push($buf, $this->generateForExpression($arguments[$i], true)); else { array_push($elements, $buf); $buf = array();} } array_push($elements, $buf); if (!empty($elements) and is_array($elements)){ $spintax_arr = $this->generateVariation($elements); foreach ($spintax_arr as $key => $value) { $result .= "\"<p>\".".implode(".", $value).".\"</p>\""; if ($key != count($spintax_arr) - 1) $result .= "."; } } return $result; } function generateVariation($A, $i = 0) { $result = array(); if ($i < count($A)) { $variations = $this->generateVariation($A, $i + 1); for ($j = 0; $j < count($A[$i]); $j++) { if ($variations) { foreach ($variations as $variation) { $result[] = array_merge(array($A[$i][$j]), $variation); } } else { $result[] = array($A[$i][$j]); } } } return $result; } /** * Add PHP open tag if needed * * @return string */ private function openPhpTag() { $result = ''; if (!$this->isPhpTagOpen) { $this->isPhpTagOpen = true; $result = '<?php '; } return $result; } /** * Adds PHP close tag if needed * * @return string */ private function closePhpTag() { $result = ''; if ($this->isPhpTagOpen) { $this->isPhpTagOpen = false; $result = '?>'; } return $result; } /** * Gets escaped value * * @return string */ private function getEscapedValue($value) { $escapedValue = strtr($value, array( "\n" => "\\n", "\t" => "\\t", "\r" => "\\r", "$" => "\\$", "\"" => "\\\"", "\\" => "\\\\", )); return $escapedValue; } }