<?php function pmwi_prepare_price( $price, $disable_prepare_price, $prepare_price_to_woo_format, $convert_decimal_separator ){ if ( $disable_prepare_price ){ $price = preg_replace("/[^0-9\.,]/","", $price); } if ( $convert_decimal_separator and strlen($price) > 3) { $decimal_sep = get_option( 'woocommerce_price_decimal_sep', '.' ); $thousand_sep = get_option( 'woocommerce_price_thousand_sep', ',' ); $comma_position = strrpos($price, ",", strlen($price) - 3); if ($comma_position !== false) { $price = str_replace(".", "", $price); $comma_position = strrpos($price, ","); $price = str_replace(",", "", substr_replace($price, ".", $comma_position, 1)); } else { $comma_position = strrpos($price, ".", strlen($price) - 3); if ($comma_position !== false) { $price = str_replace(",", "", $price); } elseif(strlen($price) > 4) { $comma_position = strrpos($price, ",", strlen($price) - 4); if ($comma_position and strlen($price) - $comma_position == 4) { $price = str_replace(",", "", $price); } else { $comma_position = strrpos($price, ".", strlen($price) - 4); if ($comma_position and strlen($price) - $comma_position == 4) { $price = str_replace(".", "", $price); } } } } } if ( $prepare_price_to_woo_format ){ $price = str_replace(",", ".", $price); $price = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", preg_replace("%\.([0-9]){1,2}?$%", ",$0", $price))); $price = ("" != $price) ? number_format( (double) $price, 2, '.', '' ) : ""; } return apply_filters('pmxi_price', $price); }