jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery( document ).ready(function( $ ){ function ACFTableField() { var t = this; t.param = {}; // DIFFERENT IN ACF VERSION 4 and 5 { t.param.classes = { btn_remove_row: 'acf-button-remove acf-table-remove-row', btn_add_row: 'acf-button-add acf-table-add-row', btn_add_col: 'acf-button-add acf-table-add-col', btn_remove_col: 'acf-button-remove acf-table-remove-col', admin_page_profile: 'profile-php', admin_page_user_edit: 'user-edit-php', }; t.param.htmlbuttons = { add_row: '<a href="#" class="' + t.param.classes.btn_add_row + '"></a>', remove_row: '<a href="#" class="' + t.param.classes.btn_remove_row + '"></a>', add_col: '<a href="#" class="' + t.param.classes.btn_add_col + '"></a>', remove_col: '<a href="#" class="' + t.param.classes.btn_remove_col + '"></a>', }; // } t.param.htmltable = { body_row: '<div class="acf-table-body-row">' + '<div class="acf-table-body-left">' + t.param.htmlbuttons.add_row + '<div class="acf-table-body-cont"><!--ph--></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="acf-table-body-right">' + t.param.htmlbuttons.remove_row + '</div>' + '</div>', top_cell: '<div class="acf-table-top-cell" data-colparam="">' + t.param.htmlbuttons.add_col + '<div class="acf-table-top-cont"><!--ph--></div>' + '</div>', header_cell: '<div class="acf-table-header-cell">' + '<div class="acf-table-header-cont"><!--ph--></div>' + '</div>', body_cell: '<div class="acf-table-body-cell">' + '<div class="acf-table-body-cont"><!--ph--></div>' + '</div>', bottom_cell: '<div class="acf-table-bottom-cell">' + t.param.htmlbuttons.remove_col + '</div>', table: '<div class="acf-table-wrap">' + '<div class="acf-table-table">' + // acf-table-hide-header acf-table-hide-left acf-table-hide-top '<div class="acf-table-top-row">' + '<div class="acf-table-top-left">' + t.param.htmlbuttons.add_col + '</div>' + '<div class="acf-table-top-right"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="acf-table-header-row acf-table-header-hide-off">' + '<div class="acf-table-header-left">' + t.param.htmlbuttons.add_row + '</div>' + '<div class="acf-table-header-right"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="acf-table-bottom-row">' + '<div class="acf-table-bottom-left"></div>' + '<div class="acf-table-bottom-right"></div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>', }; 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p.obj_root = that.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); t.data_get( p ); t.data_default( p ); if ( that.val() === '1' ) { p.obj_table.removeClass( 'acf-table-hide-header' ); p.data.p.o.uh = 1; t.update_table_data_field( p ); } else { p.obj_table.addClass( 'acf-table-hide-header' ); p.data.p.o.uh = 0; t.update_table_data_field( p ); } } ); // } }; t.ui_event_new_flex_field = function() { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-fc-popup', function() { // SORTABLE { $( '.acf-table-table' ).sortable('destroy'); $( '.acf-table-table' ).unbind(); window.setTimeout( function() { t.sortable_row(); }, 300 ); // } } ); }; t.data_get = function( p ) { // DATA FROM FIELD { var val = p.obj_root.find( 'input.table' ).val(); p.data = false; if ( val !== '' ) { p.data = $.parseJSON( decodeURIComponent( val.replace(/\+/g, '%20') ) ); } return p.data; // } }; t.data_default = function( p ) { // DEFINE DEFAULT DATA { p.data_defaults = { p: { o: { uh: 0, }, }, // from data-colparam c: [ { c: '', }, ], // header h: [ { c: '', }, ], // body b: [ [ { c: '', }, ], ], }; 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p.data.p.o.uh = 0; t.update_table_data_field( p ); } // HEADER IS REQUIRED if ( p.field_options.use_header === 1 ) { p.data.p.o.uh = 1; t.update_table_data_field( p ); } // } // HEADER: SET CHECKBOX STATUS { if ( p.data.p.o.uh === 1 ) { v.obj_use_header.val( '1' ); } if ( p.data.p.o.uh === 0 ) { v.obj_use_header.val( '0' ); } // } // HEADER: SET HEADER VISIBILITY { if ( p.data.p.o.uh === 1 ) { p.obj_table.removeClass( 'acf-table-hide-header' ); } if ( p.data.p.o.uh === 0 ) { p.obj_table.addClass( 'acf-table-hide-header' ); } // } // } }; t.table_add_col_event = function() { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-table-add-col', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var that = $( this ), p = {}; p.obj_col = that.parent(); t.table_add_col( p ); } ); }; t.table_add_col = function( p ) { // requires // p.obj_col var that_index = p.obj_col.index(); p.obj_root = p.obj_col.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); $( p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-top-row' ).children()[ that_index ] ).after( t.param.htmltable.top_cell.replace( '<!--ph-->', '' ) ); $( p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-header-row' ).children()[ that_index ] ).after( t.param.htmltable.header_cell.replace( '<!--ph-->', '' ) ); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-body-row' ).each( function() { $( $( this ).children()[ that_index ] ).after( t.param.htmltable.body_cell.replace( '<!--ph-->', '' ) ); } ); $( p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-bottom-row' ).children()[ that_index ] ).after( t.param.htmltable.bottom_cell.replace( '<!--ph-->', '' ) ); t.table_top_labels( p ); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-remove-col' ).show(); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-remove-row' ).show(); t.table_build_json( p ); }; t.table_remove_col = function() { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-table-remove-col', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var p = {}, that = $( this ), that_index = that.parent().index(), obj_rows = undefined, cols_count = false; p.obj_root = that.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); p.obj_top = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-top-row' ); obj_rows = p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-body-row' ); cols_count = p.obj_top.find( '.acf-table-top-cell' ).length; $( p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-top-row' ).children()[ that_index ] ).remove(); $( p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-header-row' ).children()[ that_index ] ).remove(); if ( cols_count == 1 ) { obj_rows.remove(); t.table_add_col( { obj_col: p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-top-left' ) } ); t.table_add_row( { obj_row: p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-header-row' ) } ); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-remove-col' ).hide(); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-remove-row' ).hide(); } else { obj_rows.each( function() { $( $( this ).children()[ that_index ] ).remove(); } ); } $( p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-bottom-row' ).children()[ that_index ] ).remove(); t.table_top_labels( p ); t.table_build_json( p ); } ); }; t.table_add_row_event = function() { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-table-add-row', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var that = $( this ), p = {}; p.obj_row = that.parent().parent(); t.table_add_row( p ); }); }; t.table_add_row = function( p ) { // requires // p.obj_row var that_index = 0, col_amount = 0, body_cells_html = ''; p.obj_root = p.obj_row.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); p.obj_table_rows = p.obj_table.children(); col_amount = p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-top-cell' ).size(); that_index = p.obj_row.index(); for ( i = 0; i < col_amount; i++ ) { body_cells_html = body_cells_html + t.param.htmltable.body_cell.replace( '<!--ph-->', '' ); } $( p.obj_table_rows[ that_index ] ) .after( t.param.htmltable.body_row ) .next() .find('.acf-table-body-left') .after( body_cells_html ); t.table_left_labels( p ); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-remove-col' ).show(); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-remove-row' ).show(); t.table_build_json( p ); }; t.table_remove_row = function() { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-table-remove-row', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var p = {}, that = $( this ), rows_count = false; p.obj_root = that.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); p.obj_rows = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-body-row' ); rows_count = p.obj_rows.length; that.parent().parent().remove(); if ( rows_count == 1 ) { t.table_add_row( { obj_row: p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-header-row' ) } ); p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-remove-row' ).hide(); } t.table_left_labels( p ); t.table_build_json( p ); } ); }; t.table_top_labels = function( p ) { var letter_i_1 = 'A'.charCodeAt( 0 ), letter_i_2 = 'A'.charCodeAt( 0 ), use_2 = false; p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-top-cont' ).each( function() { var string = ''; if ( !use_2 ) { string = String.fromCharCode( letter_i_1 ); if ( letter_i_1 === 'Z'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) { letter_i_1 = 'A'.charCodeAt( 0 ); use_2 = true; } else { letter_i_1 = letter_i_1 + 1; } } else { string = String.fromCharCode( letter_i_1 ) + String.fromCharCode( letter_i_2 ); if ( letter_i_2 === 'Z'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) { letter_i_1 = letter_i_1 + 1; letter_i_2 = 'A'.charCodeAt( 0 ); } else { letter_i_2 = letter_i_2 + 1; } } $( this ).text( string ); } ); }; t.table_left_labels = function( p ) { var i = 0; p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-body-left' ).each( function() { i = i + 1; $( this ).find( '.acf-table-body-cont' ).text( i ); } ); }; t.table_build_json = function( p ) { var i = 0, i2 = 0; p.data = t.data_get( p ); t.data_default( p ); p.data.c = []; p.data.h = []; p.data.b = []; // TOP { i = 0; p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-top-cont' ).each( function() { p.data.c[ i ] = {}; p.data.c[ i ].p = $( this ).parent().data( 'colparam' ); i = i + 1; } ); // } // HEADER { i = 0; p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-header-cont' ).each( function() { p.data.h[ i ] = {}; p.data.h[ i ].c = $( this ).html(); i = i + 1; } ); // } // BODY { i = 0; i2 = 0; p.obj_table.find( '.acf-table-body-row' ).each( function() { p.data.b[ i ] = []; $( this ).find( '.acf-table-body-cell .acf-table-body-cont' ).each( function() { p.data.b[ i ][ i2 ] = {}; p.data.b[ i ][ i2 ].c = $( this ).html(); i2 = i2 + 1; } ); i2 = 0; i = i + 1; } ); // } // UPDATE INPUT WITH NEW DATA { t.update_table_data_field( p ); // } }; t.update_table_data_field = function( p ) { // UPDATE INPUT WITH NEW DATA { p.obj_root.find( 'input.table' ).val( encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( p.data ).replace( /\\"/g, '\\"' ) ) ); // } }; t.cell_editor = function() { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-table-body-cell, .acf-table-header-cell', function( e ) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); t.cell_editor_save(); var that = $( this ), that_val = that.find( '.acf-table-body-cont, .acf-table-header-cont' ).html(); that.prepend( t.param.htmleditor ).find( '.acf-table-cell-editor-textarea' ).html( that_val ).focus(); } ); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-table-cell-editor-textarea', function( e ) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } ); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { t.cell_editor_save(); } ); }; t.cell_editor_save = function() { var cell_editor = $( 'body' ).find( '.acf-table-cell-editor' ), cell_editor_textarea = cell_editor.find( '.acf-table-cell-editor-textarea' ), p = {}, cell_editor_val = ''; if ( typeof cell_editor_textarea.val() !== 'undefined' ) { p.obj_root = cell_editor.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); var cell_editor_val = cell_editor_textarea.val(); // prevent XSS injection cell_editor_val = cell_editor_val.replace( /\<(script)/ig, '<$1' ); cell_editor_val = cell_editor_val.replace( /\<\/(script)/ig, '</$1' ); cell_editor.next().html( cell_editor_val ); t.table_build_json( p ); cell_editor.remove(); p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-remove-col' ).show(), p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-remove-row' ).show(); } }; t.prevent_cell_links = function() { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-table-body-cont a, .acf-table-header-cont a', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } ); }; t.sortable_fix_width = function(e, ui) { ui.children().each( function() { $( this ).width( $( this ).width() ); } ); return ui; }; t.sortable_row = function() { var param = { axis: 'y', items: '> .acf-table-body-row', containment: 'parent', handle: '.acf-table-body-left', helper: t.sortable_fix_width, update: function( event, ui ) { var p = {}; p.obj_root = ui.item.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); t.table_left_labels( p ); t.table_build_json( p ); }, }; $( '.acf-table-table' ).sortable( param ); }; t.sortable_col = function() { var p = {}; p.start_index = 0; p.end_index = 0; var param = { axis: 'x', items: '> .acf-table-top-cell', containment: 'parent', helper: t.sortable_fix_width, start: function(event, ui) { p.start_index = ui.item.index(); }, update: function( event, ui ) { p.end_index = ui.item.index(); p.obj_root = ui.item.parents( '.acf-table-root' ); p.obj_table = p.obj_root.find( '.acf-table-table' ); t.table_top_labels( p ); t.sort_cols( p ); t.table_build_json( p ); }, }; $( '.acf-table-top-row' ).sortable( param ); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.acf-fc-popup', function() { $( '.acf-table-top-row' ).sortable('destroy'); $( '.acf-table-top-row' ).unbind(); window.setTimeout( function() { $( '.acf-table-top-row' ).sortable( param ); }, 300 ); } ); }; t.sort_cols = function( p ) { p.obj_table.find('.acf-table-header-row').each( function() { p.header_row = $(this), p.header_row_children = p.header_row.children(); if ( p.end_index < p.start_index ) { $( p.header_row_children[ p.end_index ] ).before( $( p.header_row_children[ p.start_index ] ) ); } if ( p.end_index > p.start_index ) { $( p.header_row_children[ p.end_index ] ).after( $( p.header_row_children[ p.start_index ] ) ); } } ); p.obj_table.find('.acf-table-body-row').each( function() { p.body_row = $(this), p.body_row_children = p.body_row.children(); if ( p.end_index < p.start_index ) { $( p.body_row_children[ p.end_index ] ).before( $( p.body_row_children[ p.start_index ] ) ); } if ( p.end_index > p.start_index ) { $( p.body_row_children[ p.end_index ] ).after( $( p.body_row_children[ p.start_index ] ) ); } } ); }; t.helper = { getLength: function( o ) { var len = o.length ? --o.length : -1; for (var k in o) { len++; } return len; }, }; }; var acf_table_field = new ACFTableField(); acf_table_field.init(); });