
// vars
$rule_types = apply_filters('acf/location/rule_types', array(
	__("Post",'acf') => array(
		'post_type'		=>	__("Post Type",'acf'),
		'post_template'	=>	__("Post Template",'acf'),
		'post_status'	=>	__("Post Status",'acf'),
		'post_format'	=>	__("Post Format",'acf'),
		'post_category'	=>	__("Post Category",'acf'),
		'post_taxonomy'	=>	__("Post Taxonomy",'acf'),
		'post'			=>	__("Post",'acf')
	__("Page",'acf') => array(
		'page_template'	=>	__("Page Template",'acf'),
		'page_type'		=>	__("Page Type",'acf'),
		'page_parent'	=>	__("Page Parent",'acf'),
		'page'			=>	__("Page",'acf')
	__("User",'acf') => array(
		'current_user'		=>	__("Current User",'acf'),
		'current_user_role'	=>	__("Current User Role",'acf'),
		'user_form'			=>	__("User Form",'acf'),
		'user_role'			=>	__("User Role",'acf')
	__("Forms",'acf') => array(
		'attachment'	=>	__("Attachment",'acf'),
		'taxonomy'		=>	__("Taxonomy Term",'acf'),
		'comment'		=>	__("Comment",'acf'),
		'widget'		=>	__("Widget",'acf')

// WP < 4.7
if( acf_version_compare('wp', '<', '4.7') ) {
	unset( $rule_types[ __("Post",'acf') ]['post_template'] );

$rule_operators = apply_filters( 'acf/location/rule_operators', array(
	'=='	=>	__("is equal to",'acf'),
	'!='	=>	__("is not equal to",'acf'),
<div class="acf-field">
	<div class="acf-label">
		<label><?php _e("Rules",'acf'); ?></label>
		<p class="description"><?php _e("Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields",'acf'); ?></p>
	<div class="acf-input">
		<div class="rule-groups">
			<?php foreach( $field_group['location'] as $group_id => $group ): 
				// validate
				if( empty($group) ) {
				// $group_id must be completely different to $rule_id to avoid JS issues
				$group_id = "group_{$group_id}";
				$h4 = ($group_id == "group_0") ? __("Show this field group if",'acf') : __("or",'acf');
				<div class="rule-group" data-id="<?php echo $group_id; ?>">
					<h4><?php echo $h4; ?></h4>
					<table class="acf-table -clear">
							<?php foreach( $group as $rule_id => $rule ): 
								// valid rule
								$rule = wp_parse_args( $rule, array(
									'field'		=>	'',
									'operator'	=>	'==',
									'value'		=>	'',
								// $group_id must be completely different to $rule_id to avoid JS issues
								$rule_id = "rule_{$rule_id}";
								<tr data-id="<?php echo $rule_id; ?>">
								<td class="param"><?php 
									// create field
										'type'		=> 'select',
										'prefix'	=> "acf_field_group[location][{$group_id}][{$rule_id}]",
										'name'		=> 'param',
										'value'		=> $rule['param'],
										'choices'	=> $rule_types,
										'class'		=> 'location-rule-param'
								<td class="operator"><?php 	
									// create field
										'type'		=> 'select',
										'prefix'	=> "acf_field_group[location][{$group_id}][{$rule_id}]",
										'name'		=> 'operator',
										'value'		=> $rule['operator'],
										'choices' 	=> $rule_operators,
										'class'		=> 'location-rule-operator'
								<td class="value"><?php 
										'group_id'	=> $group_id,
										'rule_id'	=> $rule_id,
										'value'		=> $rule['value'],
										'param'		=> $rule['param'],
										'class'		=> 'location-rule-value'
								<td class="add">
									<a href="#" class="button add-location-rule"><?php _e("and",'acf'); ?></a>
								<td class="remove">
									<a href="#" class="acf-icon -minus remove-location-rule"></a>
							<?php endforeach; ?>
			<?php endforeach; ?>
			<h4><?php _e("or",'acf'); ?></h4>
			<a href="#" class="button add-location-group"><?php _e("Add rule group",'acf'); ?></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
if( typeof acf !== 'undefined' ) {
		'id': 'acf-field-group-locations',
		'label': 'left'
