
*  Locations
*  @description: controller for location match functionality
*  @since: 3.6
*  @created: 25/01/13

class acf_location

	*  __construct
	*  @description: 
	*  @since 3.1.8
	*  @created: 23/06/12
	function __construct()
		// ajax
		add_action('wp_ajax_acf/location/match_field_groups_ajax', array($this, 'match_field_groups_ajax'));
		add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_acf/location/match_field_groups_ajax', array($this, 'match_field_groups_ajax'));
		// filters
		add_filter('acf/location/match_field_groups', array($this, 'match_field_groups'), 10, 2);
		// Basic
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/post_type', array($this, 'rule_match_post_type'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/user_type', array($this, 'rule_match_user_type'), 10, 3);
		// Page
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/page', array($this, 'rule_match_post'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/page_type', array($this, 'rule_match_page_type'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/page_parent', array($this, 'rule_match_page_parent'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/page_template', array($this, 'rule_match_page_template'), 10, 3);
		// Post
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/post', array($this, 'rule_match_post'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/post_category', array($this, 'rule_match_post_category'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/post_format', array($this, 'rule_match_post_format'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/post_status', array($this, 'rule_match_post_status'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/taxonomy', array($this, 'rule_match_taxonomy'), 10, 3);
		// Other
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/ef_taxonomy', array($this, 'rule_match_ef_taxonomy'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/ef_user', array($this, 'rule_match_ef_user'), 10, 3);
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/ef_media', array($this, 'rule_match_ef_media'), 10, 3);
		// Options Page
		add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/options_page', array($this, 'rule_match_options_page'), 10, 3);
	*  match_field_groups_ajax
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function match_field_groups_ajax()
		// vars
		$options = array(
			'nonce' => '',
			'ajax' => true
		// load post options
		$options = array_merge($options, $_POST);
		// verify nonce
		if( ! wp_verify_nonce($options['nonce'], 'acf_nonce') )
		// return array
		$return = apply_filters( 'acf/location/match_field_groups', array(), $options );
		// echo json
		echo json_encode( $return );
	*  match_field_groups
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function match_field_groups( $return, $options )
		// vars
		$defaults = array(
			'post_id' => 0,
			'post_type' => 0,
			'page_template' => 0,
			'page_parent' => 0,
			'page_type' => 0,
			'post_category' => array(),
			'post_format' => 0,
			'taxonomy' => array(),
			'ef_taxonomy' => 0,
			'ef_user' => 0,
			'ef_media' => 0,
			'lang' => 0,
			'ajax' => false
		// merge in $options
		$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
		// Parse values
		$options = apply_filters( 'acf/parse_types', $options );

		// WPML
		if( defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') )
			$options['lang'] = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
			//global $sitepress;
			//$sitepress->switch_lang( $options['lang'] );
		// find all acf objects
		$acfs = apply_filters('acf/get_field_groups', array());

		// blank array to hold acfs
		$return = array();
		if( $acfs )
			foreach( $acfs as $acf )
				// load location
				$acf['location'] = apply_filters('acf/field_group/get_location', array(), $acf['id']);

				// vars
				$add_box = false;
				foreach( $acf['location'] as $group_id => $group )
					// start of as true, this way, any rule that doesn't match will cause this varaible to false
					$match_group = true;
					if( is_array($group) )
						foreach( $group as $rule_id => $rule )
							// Hack for ef_media => now post_type = attachment
							if( $rule['param'] == 'ef_media' )
								$rule['param'] = 'post_type';
								$rule['value'] = 'attachment';
							// $match = true / false
							$match = apply_filters( 'acf/location/rule_match/' . $rule['param'] , false, $rule, $options );
							if( !$match )
								$match_group = false;
					// all rules must havematched!
					if( $match_group )
						$add_box = true;
				// add ID to array	
				if( $add_box )
					$return[] = $acf['id'];
		return $return;
	*  rule_match_post_type
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_post_type( $match, $rule, $options )
		$post_type = $options['post_type'];

		if( !$post_type )
			if( !$options['post_id'] )
				return false;
			$post_type = get_post_type( $options['post_id'] );
        if( $rule['operator'] == "==" )
        	$match = ( $post_type === $rule['value'] );
        elseif( $rule['operator'] == "!=" )
        	$match = ( $post_type !== $rule['value'] );
		return $match;
	*  rule_match_post
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_post( $match, $rule, $options )
		// validation
		if( !$options['post_id'] )
			return false;
		// translate $rule['value']
		// - this variable will hold the original post_id, but $options['post_id'] will hold the translated version
		//if( function_exists('icl_object_id') )
		//	$rule['value'] = icl_object_id( $rule['value'], $options['post_type'], true );
        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = ( $options['post_id'] == $rule['value'] );
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = ( $options['post_id'] != $rule['value'] );
        return $match;

	*  rule_match_page_type
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_page_type( $match, $rule, $options )
		// validation
		if( !$options['post_id'] )
			return false;

		$post = get_post( $options['post_id'] );
        if( $rule['value'] == 'front_page')
	        $front_page = (int) get_option('page_on_front');
	        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
	        	$match = ( $front_page == $post->ID );
	        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
	        	$match = ( $front_page != $post->ID );
        elseif( $rule['value'] == 'posts_page')
	        $posts_page = (int) get_option('page_for_posts');
	        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
	        	$match = ( $posts_page == $post->ID );
	        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
	        	$match = ( $posts_page != $post->ID );
        elseif( $rule['value'] == 'top_level')
        	$post_parent = $post->post_parent;
        	if( $options['page_parent'] )
	        	$post_parent = $options['page_parent'];
	        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
	        	$match = ( $post_parent == 0 );
	        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
	        	$match = ( $post_parent != 0 );
        elseif( $rule['value'] == 'parent')
        	$children = get_pages(array(
        		'post_type' => $post->post_type,
        		'child_of' =>  $post->ID,
	        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
	        	$match = ( count($children) > 0 );
	        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
	        	$match = ( count($children) == 0 );
        elseif( $rule['value'] == 'child')
        	$post_parent = $post->post_parent;
        	if( $options['page_parent'] )
	        	$post_parent = $options['page_parent'];
	        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
	        	$match = ( $post_parent != 0 );
	        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
	        	$match = ( $post_parent == 0 );
        return $match;

	*  rule_match_page_parent
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_page_parent( $match, $rule, $options )
		// validation
		if( !$options['post_id'] )
			return false;
		// vars
		$post = get_post( $options['post_id'] );
		$post_parent = $post->post_parent;
    	if( $options['page_parent'] )
        	$post_parent = $options['page_parent'];
        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = ( $post_parent == $rule['value'] );
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = ( $post_parent != $rule['value'] );
        return $match;

	*  rule_match_page_template
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_page_template( $match, $rule, $options )
		$page_template = $options['page_template'];
		if( ! $page_template )
			$page_template = get_post_meta( $options['post_id'], '_wp_page_template', true );
		if( ! $page_template )
			$post_type = $options['post_type'];

			if( !$post_type )
				$post_type = get_post_type( $options['post_id'] );
			if( $post_type == 'page' )
				$page_template = "default";
        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = ( $page_template === $rule['value'] );
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = ( $page_template !== $rule['value'] );
        return $match;

	*  rule_match_post_category
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_post_category( $match, $rule, $options )
		// validate
		if( !$options['post_id'] )
			return false;

		// post type
		if( !$options['post_type'] )
			$options['post_type'] = get_post_type( $options['post_id'] );
		// vars
		$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $options['post_type'] );
		$terms = $options['post_category'];
		// not AJAX 
		if( !$options['ajax'] )
			// no terms? Load them from the post_id
			if( empty($terms) )
				$all_terms = get_the_terms( $options['post_id'], 'category' );
					foreach($all_terms as $all_term)
						$terms[] = $all_term->term_id;
			// no terms at all? 
			if( empty($terms) )
				// If no ters, this is a new post and should be treated as if it has the "Uncategorized" (1) category ticked
				if( is_array($taxonomies) && in_array('category', $taxonomies) )
					$terms[] = '1';

        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = false;
				if( in_array($rule['value'], $terms) )
					$match = true; 
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = true;
				if( in_array($rule['value'], $terms) )
					$match = false; 

        return $match;
	*  rule_match_user_type
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_user_type( $match, $rule, $options )
		$user = wp_get_current_user();
        if( $rule['operator'] == "==" )
			if( $rule['value'] == 'super_admin' )
				$match = is_super_admin( $user->ID );
				$match = in_array( $rule['value'], $user->roles );
		elseif( $rule['operator'] == "!=" )
			if( $rule['value'] == 'super_admin' )
				$match = !is_super_admin( $user->ID );
				$match = ( ! in_array( $rule['value'], $user->roles ) );
        return $match;
	*  rule_match_user_type
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_options_page( $match, $rule, $options )
		global $plugin_page;
		// NOTE
		// comment out below code as it was interfering with custom slugs
		// older location rules may be "options-pagename"
if( substr($rule['value'], 0, 8) == 'options-' )
			$rule['value'] = 'acf-' . $rule['value'];
		// older location ruels may be "Pagename"
if( substr($rule['value'], 0, 11) != 'acf-options' )
			$rule['value'] = 'acf-options-' . sanitize_title( $rule['value'] );
			// value may now be wrong (acf-options-options)
			if( $rule['value'] == 'acf-options-options' )
				$rule['value'] = 'acf-options';
		if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = ( $plugin_page === $rule['value'] );
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = ( $plugin_page !== $rule['value'] );
        return $match;
	*  rule_match_post_format
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_post_format( $match, $rule, $options )
		// vars
		$post_format = $options['post_format'];
		if( !$post_format )
			// validate
			if( !$options['post_id'] )
				return false;
			// post type
			if( !$options['post_type'] )
				$options['post_type'] = get_post_type( $options['post_id'] );
			// does post_type support 'post-format'
			if( post_type_supports( $options['post_type'], 'post-formats' ) )
				$post_format = get_post_format( $options['post_id'] );
				if( $post_format === false )
					$post_format = 'standard';

       	if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = ( $post_format === $rule['value'] );
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = ( $post_format !== $rule['value'] );
        return $match;
	*  rule_match_post_status
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_post_status( $match, $rule, $options )
		// validate
		if( !$options['post_id'] )
			return false;
		// vars
		$post_status = get_post_status( $options['post_id'] );
	    // auto-draft = draft
	    if( $post_status == 'auto-draft' )
		    $post_status = 'draft';
	    // match
	    if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = ( $post_status === $rule['value'] );
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = ( $post_status !== $rule['value'] );
        // return
	    return $match;
	*  rule_match_taxonomy
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_taxonomy( $match, $rule, $options )
		// validate
		if( !$options['post_id'] )
			return false;
		// post type
		if( !$options['post_type'] )
			$options['post_type'] = get_post_type( $options['post_id'] );
		// vars
		$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $options['post_type'] );
		$terms = $options['taxonomy'];
		// not AJAX 
		if( !$options['ajax'] )
			// no terms? Load them from the post_id
			if( empty($terms) )
	        	if( is_array($taxonomies) )
		        	foreach( $taxonomies as $tax )
						$all_terms = get_the_terms( $options['post_id'], $tax );
							foreach($all_terms as $all_term)
								$terms[] = $all_term->term_id;
			// no terms at all? 
			if( empty($terms) )
				// If no ters, this is a new post and should be treated as if it has the "Uncategorized" (1) category ticked
				if( is_array($taxonomies) && in_array('category', $taxonomies) )
					$terms[] = '1';

        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
        	$match = false;
				if( in_array($rule['value'], $terms) )
					$match = true; 
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
        	$match = true;
				if( in_array($rule['value'], $terms) )
					$match = false; 

        return $match;
	*  rule_match_ef_taxonomy
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_ef_taxonomy( $match, $rule, $options )
		$ef_taxonomy = $options['ef_taxonomy'];
		if( $ef_taxonomy )
			if($rule['operator'] == "==")
	        	$match = ( $ef_taxonomy == $rule['value'] );
	        	// override for "all"
		        if( $rule['value'] == "all" )
					$match = true;
	        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
	        	$match = ( $ef_taxonomy != $rule['value'] );
	        	// override for "all"
		        if( $rule['value'] == "all" )
					$match = false;
        return $match;
	*  rule_match_ef_user
	*  @description: 
	*  @since: 3.5.7
	*  @created: 3/01/13
	function rule_match_ef_user( $match, $rule, $options )
		$ef_user = $options['ef_user'];
		if( $ef_user )
			if($rule['operator'] == "==")
	        	$match = ( user_can($ef_user, $rule['value']) );
	        	// override for "all"
		        if( $rule['value'] === "all" )
					$match = true;
	        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
	        	$match = ( !user_can($ef_user, $rule['value']) );
	        	// override for "all"
		        if( $rule['value'] === "all" )
					$match = false;

        return $match;

new acf_location();
