<?php require("functions.php"); $ISADMIN = (isset($_SESSION['profil']) && ($_SESSION['profil'] == 100 || $_SESSION['profil'] == 70) && $_SESSION["user"] != "conseiller") ? true : false; $SUB = ""; $MAT = ""; $NOM = ""; $DATA = ""; $FILTER = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["sub"])) $SUB = $_REQUEST["sub"]; if (isset($_REQUEST["mat"])) $MAT = $_REQUEST["mat"]; if (isset($_REQUEST["nom"])) $NOM = $_REQUEST["nom"]; //echo "<li>SUB=".$SUB." | MAT=".$MAT." | NOM=".$NOM."</li>"; $forPile = false; if (strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '/pile/') !== false) { $forPile = true; } $showTempTable = ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["TRANSFERT_TEMPORAIRE"] && $_SESSION["profil"] == 100 && $_SESSION["user"] == "admin") ? true : false; if ($SUB != "") { $valuesBind = array(':supp1' => 0, ':supp2' => 0); if (($MAT != "") || ($NOM != "")) { if ($NOM != "") { $FILTER .= " AND (c.nom LIKE CONCAT('%',:nom1,'%') OR c.prenom LIKE CONCAT('%',:nom2,'%') OR CONCAT(c.nom,' ', c.prenom) LIKE CONCAT('%',:nom3,'%'))"; $valuesBind[':nom1'] = $NOM; $valuesBind[':nom2'] = $NOM; $valuesBind[':nom3'] = $NOM; } if ($MAT != "") { $typesBind = "ii"; $FILTER .= " AND c.id_agent=:id_agent"; $valuesBind[':id_agent'] = $MAT; } } $TempFilter = ""; if (!$showTempTable) { $TempFilter = " AND ca.temporaire = :temporaire"; $valuesBind[':temporaire'] = 0; } $q = "SELECT c.id_conseiller, e.libelle, ca.id_agence, ca.temporaire, ca.receive_notifications, ca.status, a.nom_agence, c.id_agent, c.nom, c.prenom, c.photo, c.inactif, c.fonction, created_from,DATE_FORMAT(c.date_creation, '%d/%m/%Y') as date_creation_conseiller, DATE_FORMAT(ca.date_creation, '%d/%m/%Y') as date_creation, DATE_FORMAT(c.date_modification, '%d/%m/%Y') as date_modification, IF(c.id_agence = ca.id_agence,1,0) agence_affectation, IF(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,ca.last_active,now())<=15,1,0) AS online, (SELECT id_profil FROM ca_conseiller_profils cp WHERE cp.id_conseiller = ca.id_conseiller ORDER BY cp.id_profil ASC LIMIT 1) as profil FROM ca_conseiller_agence as ca LEFT JOIN ca_agences as a ON ca.id_agence=a.id_agence LEFT JOIN ca_entites as e ON ca.id_entite=e.id_entite LEFT JOIN ca_conseillers c ON ca.id_conseiller=c.id_conseiller WHERE c.supp=:supp1 AND a.supp=:supp2" . $FILTER . " " . $TempFilter . " ORDER BY c.nom ASC"; // echo "<li>".$q; $stmt = excuteQuery($q, $valuesBind); if ($stmt['status']) { $DATA = ""; $result = $stmt['stmt']; while ($o = $result->fetchObject()) { $datecrea = $o->date_creation; if ($datecrea == "00/00/0000") { $datemodif = $o->date_modification; if ($datemodif == "00/00/0000") { $datecreacons = $o->date_creation_conseiller; if ($datecreacons == "00/00/0000") { $datecrea = ' - '; } else { $datecrea = $datecreacons; } } } $NOMAGENCE = str_replace("'", ' ', $o->nom_agence); $NOMC = $o->nom . " " . $o->prenom; $ENTITE = $o->libelle; $NOMCONSEILLER = str_replace("'", ' ', $NOMC); $CONSLINK = ($o->agence_affectation && $ISADMIN) ? "<a target='_blank' href='".$SERVER."admin/cnsUpd.php?aid=" . $o->id_agence . "&cid=" . $o->id_conseiller . "'>" . $o->nom . " " . $o->prenom . "</a>" : $o->nom . " " . $o->prenom; $CONSMAT = ($o->agence_affectation && $ISADMIN) ? "<a target='_blank' href='".$SERVER."admin/cnsUpd.php?aid=" . $o->id_agence . "&cid=" . $o->id_conseiller . "'>" . $o->id_agent . "</a>" : $o->id_agent; $PROFIL = $o->profil ? $o->profil : null; //echo "<li>NOMC=".$NOMC." | NOMCONSEILLER=".$NOMCONSEILLER; // if ($TempFilter == "" && (($o->status == -1 && $o->agence_affectation == 0) || ($o->status == -1 && $o->agence_affectation))) { if($TempFilter == "" && $o->temporaire){ $online = $o->online ? "green" : "red"; if ($o->status == -1) { $showBorne = $o->online; } else { $showBorne = ($o->status == 1) ? 0 : 1; } $borneColor = ($showBorne == 1) ? "green" : "red"; $TEMPS .= "<tr class='agent-row' data-agent='" . $o->id_conseiller . "'> <td>" . $CONSLINK . "</td> <td>" . $CONSMAT . "</td> <td>" . $o->nom_agence . "</td>"; $TEMPS .= ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["ENTITIES"]) ? "<td> " . $ENTITE . " </td>" : ""; $TEMPS .= "<td class='online-status-flag'><span class='square " . $online . "'></span></td>"; $TEMPS .= ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["MOBILITY"]) ? "<td class='manage-conseiller-status'><select name='pile_status' class='pile_status' data-agence='" . $o->id_agence . "' data-fonction='". $o->fonction ."' data-temporary='" . $o->temporaire . "' data-id='" . $o->id_conseiller . "'><option value='0' " . ($o->status == 0 ? "selected" : "") . ">Toujours affiché</option><option value='1' " . ($o->status == 1 ? "selected" : "") . ">Jamais affiché</option><option value='-1' " . ($o->status == -1 ? "selected" : "") . ">Affiché suivant connexion</option></select></td>" : ""; $TEMPS .= ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["MOBILITY"]) ? "<td class='borne-status-flag'><span class='square " . $borneColor . "'></span></td>" : ""; $TEMPS .= "<td><input type='checkbox' class='manage-conseiller-notification' data-agence='" . $o->id_agence . "' data-rh='" . $o->agence_affectation . "' data-id='" . $o->id_conseiller . "' " . ($o->receive_notifications ? "checked" : "") . "></td></tr>"; } // if(!($o->status == -1 && $o->agence_affectation == 0)){ if (!$o->temporaire) { $o->created_from == 1 ? $has_star_icon = ' <span style="color: red;font-size: 12px;position: absolute;font-weight: bold;">*</span>': $has_star_icon = ''; $DATA .= "<tr> <td>" . $CONSLINK . "</td> <td>" . $CONSMAT . "</td> <td>" . $o->nom_agence . "</td>"; $DATA .= ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["ENTITIES"]) ? "<td> " . $ENTITE . " </td>" : ""; $DATA .= "<td>" . $o->date_creation_conseiller .$has_star_icon. " </td>"; $DATA .= "<td>" . $datecrea . " </td>"; $DATA .= "<td>"; $DATA .= $o->agence_affectation ? "<a href='#' onclick='transfert(\"" . $o->id_agent . "\"," . $o->id_conseiller . ",\"" . $NOMCONSEILLER . "\"," . $o->id_agence . ",\"" . $NOMAGENCE . "\",\"" . $o->fonction . "\",\"" . $o->profil . "\")'><input type='button' style='cursor:pointer' value='->'/></a>" : ""; $DATA .= "</td>"; $DATA .= "<td>"; $DATA .= $o->agence_affectation ? "<a href='#' onclick='ajout(\"" . $o->id_agent . "\"," . $o->id_conseiller . ",\"" . $NOMCONSEILLER . "\"," . $o->id_agence . ",\"" . $NOMAGENCE . "\",\"" . $o->fonction . "\",\"" . $o->profil . "\")'><input type='button' style='cursor:pointer' value='+'/></a>" : ""; $DATA .= "</td>"; $DATA .= "<td>"; $DATA .= $o->agence_affectation ? "" : ($o->online ? "<font color='green'>En ligne</font>" : "<a href='#' onclick='suppression(\"" . $o->id_agent . "\"," . $o->id_conseiller . ",\"" . $NOMCONSEILLER . "\"," . $o->id_agence . ",\"" . $NOMAGENCE . "\")'><input type='button' style='cursor:pointer' value='-'/></a>"); $DATA .= "</td> </tr>"; } } } } ?> <div id="panels"> <form name="formCnsTrf" id="formCnsTrf" action="cnsTrf.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="sub" id="sub" value="1"/> <div> Matricule <input type="text" name="mat" id="mat" size="10" tabindex="1" value="<?php echo $MAT; ?>"/> | Nom / Prénom <input type="text" name="nom" id="nom" size="15" tabindex="2" value="<?php echo $NOM; ?>"/> <input type="submit" class="formNav" id="submit-btn-trf" value="Rechercher" tabindex="3"/> </div> </form> </div> <div id="panelContent"> <h3>Rattachements</h3> <?php if ($GLOBALS["PILE_CONF"]["AGENT_FORM"]) { ?> <p style="color: red;">(<span style="font-weight: bold;">*</span>) Conseiller créé à partir de la pile</p> <?php } ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="AdminsDataTable" class="transferts-dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <td>Nom</td> <td>Matricule</td> <td>Agence</td> <?php if ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["ENTITIES"]) { ?><td>Entité</td><?php } ?> <td>Date de création</td> <td>Date de transfert</td> <td>Transférer</td> <td>Ajouter</td> <td>Supprimer</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php echo $DATA; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($showTempTable) { ?> <h3>Rattachements Temporaires</h3> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="TempsDataTable" class="temps-dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <td>Nom</td> <td>Matricule</td> <td>Agence</td> <?php if ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["ENTITIES"]) { ?><td>Entité</td><?php } ?> <td>Connecté Pile</td> <td>Affichage</td> <td>Affiché Borne</td> <td>Notifs</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php echo $TEMPS; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { oTable = $('#AdminsDataTable').dataTable({ "iDisplayLength": 10000, "bJQueryUI": true, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "sDom": '<"H"Tfr>t<"F"ip>', "oTableTools": { "sSwfPath": "./swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf", "aButtons": [ { "sExtends": "xls", "sButtonText": "Excel" }, { "sExtends": "pdf", "sButtonText": "PDF" } ] }, "oLanguage": { "sProcessing": "Traitement en cours...", "sLengthMenu": "Afficher _MENU_ éléments", "sZeroRecords": "Aucun élément à afficher", "sInfo": "Affichage : _START_ à _END_ sur _TOTAL_ éléments", "sInfoEmpty": "Affichage de l'élement 0 à 0 sur 0 éléments", "sInfoFiltered": "(filtré de _MAX_ éléments au total)", "sInfoPostFix": "", "sSearch": "Rechercher / Filtrer :", "sLoadingRecords": "Téléchargement...", "sUrl": "", "oPaginate": { "sFirst": "Premier", "sPrevious": "Précédent", "sNext": "Suivant", "sLast": "Dernier" } } }); if ($('#TempsDataTable').length) { oTable = $('#TempsDataTable').dataTable({ "iDisplayLength": 10000, "bJQueryUI": true, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "sDom": '<"H"Tfr>t<"F"ip>', "oTableTools": { "sSwfPath": "./swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf", "aButtons": [ { "sExtends": "xls", "sButtonText": "Excel" }, { "sExtends": "pdf", "sButtonText": "PDF" } ] }, "oLanguage": { "sProcessing": "Traitement en cours...", "sLengthMenu": "Afficher _MENU_ éléments", "sZeroRecords": "Aucun élément à afficher", "sInfo": "Affichage : _START_ à _END_ sur _TOTAL_ éléments", "sInfoEmpty": "Affichage de l'élement 0 à 0 sur 0 éléments", "sInfoFiltered": "(filtré de _MAX_ éléments au total)", "sInfoPostFix": "", "sSearch": "Rechercher / Filtrer :", "sLoadingRecords": "Téléchargement...", "sUrl": "", "oPaginate": { "sFirst": "Premier", "sPrevious": "Précédent", "sNext": "Suivant", "sLast": "Dernier" } } }); } }); function reload(response) { var forPile = window.location.href.indexOf("/pile/") > -1; if (forPile) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "./ajax/cnsTransferts.php?sub=1&mat=" + response.mat, data: $("#formCnsTrf").serialize(), success: function (data) { $('#cns-trf-wrapper').html(data); } }); } else { if (response.html == 'reload') { document.location.href = 'cnsTrf.php?sub=1&mat=' + response.mat; } } } function getTransfertEntities(elem) { $("#entite-transfert-container").remove(); $.post('ajax/cnsTrfActions.php', {action: 'entitesAgence', aid: $(elem).val()}, getTransfertEntitiesCB, 'json'); } function getTransfertEntitiesCB(response) { $("#transfert-container").append(response.content); } function transfert(mat, cid, cn, aid, an, fn , pr) { //alert('TRANSFERT : '+cid+" | "+cn+" | "+aid+" | "+an); $.post('ajax/cnsTrfActions.php', {action: 'transfertAgence', mat: mat, cid: cid, cn: cn, aid: aid, an: an, fn:fn, pr:pr}, transfertCB, 'json'); } function transfertCB(response) { //alert('TRANSFERT CB'); POP = $('<div></div>').html("<div class='mails'>" + response.html + "</div>").dialog({autoOpen: false, title: 'Transfert vers une autre agence'}); POP.dialog({zIndex: 10000, autoOpen: false, modal: true, draggable: true, width: 'auto', dialogClass: 'ModalWindowDisplayMeOnTop', close: function (ev, ui) { $(this).empty().remove(); }}); POP.dialog("open"); } function transfertGo(mat, aid, cid, cn, newaid, fn , pr) { //alert("TRANSFERTGO : cid="+cid+" | newaid="+newaid); var eid = $("#entite-transfert").val(); $.post('ajax/cnsTrfActions.php', {action: 'transfert', mat: mat, aid: aid, eid: eid, cid: cid, cn: cn, newaid: newaid, fn:fn, pr:pr}, reload, 'json'); closeClosestPopup($("#move-trf-btn")); } //################################@ function ajout(mat, cid, cn, aid, an, fn, pr) { //alert('TRANSFERT : '+cid+" | "+cn+" | "+aid+" | "+an); $.post('ajax/cnsTrfActions.php', {action: 'ajoutAgence', mat: mat, cid: cid, cn: cn, aid: aid, an: an, fn: fn, pr: pr, pa:<?php echo ($forPile ? "$('#IDAGENCE').val()" : 0); ?>}, ajoutCB, 'json'); } function ajoutCB(response) { //alert("AJOUT CB"); POP = $('<div></div>').html("<div class='mails'>" + response.html + "</div>").dialog({autoOpen: false, title: 'Ajout d\'une agence'}); POP.dialog({zIndex: 10000, autoOpen: false, modal: true, draggable: true, width: 'auto', dialogClass: 'ModalWindowDisplayMeOnTop', close: function (ev, ui) { $(this).empty().remove(); }}); POP.dialog("open"); } function ajoutGo(mat, cid, cn, newaid, fn, pr) { var eid = $("#entite-transfert").val(); //console.log(newaid,$(".add-trf-agencies").val());//var newid = $("#newaid").val(); $.post('ajax/cnsTrfActions.php', {action: 'ajout', mat: mat, cid: cid, cn: cn, newaid: newaid, eid: eid, fn: fn, pr:pr}, reload, 'json'); closeClosestPopup($("#add-trf-btn")); } //################################@ function suppression(mat, cid, cn, aid, an) { //alert('TRANSFERT : '+cid+" | "+cn+" | "+aid+" | "+an); $.post('ajax/cnsTrfActions.php', {action: 'suppConfirmation', mat: mat, cid: cid, cn: cn, aid: aid, an: an}, suppressionCB, 'json'); } function suppressionCB(response) { if (response.online) { content = "<p>Suppression impossible !<br/><br/>Le conseiller est connecté à la pile.</p>" } else { content = response.html; } POP = $('<div></div>').html("<div class='mails'>" + content + "</div>").dialog({autoOpen: false, title: 'Suppression du rattachement'}); POP.dialog({zIndex: 10000, autoOpen: false, modal: true, draggable: true, width: 'auto', dialogClass: 'ModalWindowDisplayMeOnTop', close: function (ev, ui) { $(this).empty().remove(); }}); POP.dialog("open"); } function suppressionGo(mat, aid, cid, cn) { //alert("AJOUTGO : cid="+cid+" | newaid="+newaid); $.post('ajax/cnsTrfActions.php', {action: 'suppConfirmee', mat: mat, aid: aid, cid: cid, cn: cn}, reload, 'json'); closeClosestPopup($("#delete-trf-btn")); } //################################@ </script> </div>