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" LEFT JOIN ca_client_motifs cm ON ca_clients.id_client=cm.id_client LEFT JOIN ca_motifs m ON cm.id_motif=m.id_motif" : ""; $leftJoins .= ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["AFA"] && $AFA && !$AFA_MOTIFS && ($_GET['is_motif'] == 0)) ? " LEFT JOIN ca_actions ac ON ca_clients.rdv_type=ac.id_action" : ""; $additionalColumns .= ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["MOTIFS"] || $_GET['is_motif']) ? ", group_concat(COALESCE(m.code,m.code,m.titre) SEPARATOR ', ') as motif" : ""; $additionalColumns .= ($GLOBALS["BO_CONF"]["AFA"] && $AFA && !$AFA_MOTIFS && ($_GET['is_motif'] == 0)) ? ", group_concat(ac.titre SEPARATOR ', ') as motif_action" : ""; $query = "SELECT ca_clients.*,ca_conseillers.nom nomCons, ca_conseillers.prenom prenomCons, DATE_FORMAT(ca_clients.date_arrivee,'%H:%i:%s') AS HEURE_ARRIVEE, DATE_FORMAT(ca_clients.date_priseencharge,'%H:%i:%s') AS HEURE_PRISEENCHARGE, DATE_FORMAT(ca_clients.date_cloture,'%H:%i:%s') AS HEURE_CLOTURE, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,date_arrivee,date_priseencharge) as DUREE_ATTENTE, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, date_priseencharge,date_cloture) as DUREE_ENTRETIEN". $additionalColumns." FROM ca_clients LEFT JOIN ca_conseillers ON ca_conseillers.id_conseiller = ca_clients.id_action ".$leftJoins." WHERE rdv=:data AND ca_clients.id_agence=(SELECT id_agence FROM ca_agences WHERE code_agence = :code_agence and supp=0) AND date_priseencharge > date_arrivee AND date_arrivee > :deb AND date_arrivee < :fin ".$CHECK." GROUP BY ca_clients.id_client ORDER BY ca_clients.date_arrivee ASC"; $stmt = excuteQuery($query, $valuesBindInsert); $nb=0; if ($stmt['status']) { $result = $stmt['stmt']; $nb = $result->rowCount(); if($nb>0){ if($cancelled){ switch ($data) { case 0: $title = 'Sans RDV Annulés'; break; case 1: $title = 'RDV Annulés'; break; case 5: $title = 'LIVRAISON Annulés'; break; } } else{ switch ($data) { case 0: $title = 'Sans RDV'; break; case 1: $title = 'RDV'; break; case 5: $title = 'LIVRAISON'; break; } } // if($cancelled){ // $title = $data ? " RDV Annulés" : "Sans RDV Annulés"; // } // else{ // $title = $data ? 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